> I guess, this is more-less what I need to do, but this is not perfect, as 
> I have several applications that I maintain and updating all of them 
> manually is not great. Also - is this the only file that should be updated 
> in this way? I am not sure... What about web2py_ajax.html? appadmin.html? 
> Others?

The issue isn't simply whether there have been changes in the file but 
whether there have been changes in the file that are directly linked to 
changes in the core framework. web2py.js includes code that depends on 
particular HTML classes and data-* attributes generated by web2py HTML 
helpers and widgets, so sometimes changes in the core framework are coupled 
with changes in web2py.js and the two must therefore be upgraded in tandem. 
This is less likely to be the case with other app-specific files. For 
example, you can upgrade appadmin.py and appadmin.html, but the old 
versions should generally continue to work with new versions of the 
framework. It's probably worth upgrading web2py_ajax.html as well.

>> This is a good point, though -- perhaps we should come up with a way to 
>> ensure web2py.js is easily upgraded along with the rest of the framework. 
>> For now, though, you could always link to the version of web2py.js that 
>> comes with the "welcome" app, as that will always be upgraded with the 
>> framework.
> I will try the linking, but not sure how this will work with git 
> throughout different filesystems and OSes... (I use Linux on some 
> development systems and BSD on some production servers)... git should 
> preserve the link, but...

I didn't mean you should create symbolic links to the web2py.js file in the 
welcome app -- I meant actually serve that file via its usual URL. So, in 
web2py_ajax.html, instead of using URL('static', 'js/web2py.js'), change it 
to URL('welcome', 'static', 'js/web2py.js').


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