Hey, Massimo, what've you got against cats? ;^)

And Yarko says:
"""Your TG story is another thing, but the _fact_ remains (and I've
had this
private conversation quite recently with you) that solid, well
non-trivial, and commercially in-use applications written in web2py
what?  not advertised?  non-existent? """

I just announced my first app, which has been used commercially now
for a few weeks and has made hundreds of paid-for reservations for the
club "SPiN New York". Talk about high profile, SPiN has been mentioned
in Conde Nast, People Magazine, Jimmy Fallon Late at Night, Good
Morning America, etc. Go look at their website. Susan Sarandon is one
of the backers. Not that she's very web saavy, but you can bet she's
conscious of keeping her image clean. Which means, she doesn't want
her website to crash.

My web2py app was a ground-up implementation of a calendar-based
reservations system which is every bit as sophisticated as Google
calendar, with a GUI interface and a comprehensive api. It supports
all the "gnarly" functionality that Google claims as a reason why you
should use Google Cal and not build one yourself. (As a matter of
fact, it was a little gnarly, especially with the repeat events, but
web2py made it a lot easier to build IMO).

Listen. I'm not asking for Google to tell everyone to use web2py. I'm
just asking for Google to acknowledge web2py in the same breath as
Django on their "what is GAE" page. They don't have to endorse it.
Just say it works with GAE. For that matter, they should also mention
other frameworks that work with GAE. As I said before, I think if the
concensus here is that web2py works with GAE as well as Django does,
then pull the trigger and let's start a petition to get some
visibility and mention on the GAE page. I, for one, am 100% behind
building commercial-grade, heavy-lifting, production websites in
web2py. I may not be the world's most sophisticated web developer, but
it sure does the trick for me. As such, I want to see it thrive so
that my approach will survive.

And to do such a petition takes almost no effort at all in the
internet era.
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