I chose pattern-based  rewrite because I don't know better. Please know 
that I am only temporary part time web coder relying on web2py book 100% 
with understanding at about 60%. Being a mature person I am fond of 
eloquence in life as well as in URL's however complexity has its price. I 
sense from what you are  saying I should stick with parametric router or 
leave it alone and keep the "asset" function where it naturally is .  A 
quick sketch of what I am having fun with:


Thanks in advance.

On Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 7:55:27 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> Got it. Next, provide more detail regarding your current code/setup. Is 
> there any particular reason you need to be using the pattern-based rewrite 
> system? If so, you'll just need to create a regex that matches the route in 
> question, or create a regex that matches all the other possible functions 
> in the controller and create a fallback route *after* that to direct to 
> the "asset" function.
> Anthony
> On Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 1:33:09 PM UTC-4, 98u...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:> wrote:
>> I could make "asset" function the default for the "showcase" controller 
>> however I am not sure how as I am already using renamed 
>> routes.patterns.example.py (the book recommends not to mix pattern and 
>> parameter routing methods) in the root of the website (multiple apps in my 
>> case) to rewrite one URL (works nicely):
>> routes_out = (
>>     ('/stock/default/index',BASE + '/stock'),# <== my addition
>>     # do not reroute admin unless you want to disable it
>>     ('/admin/$anything', BASE + '/admin/$anything'),
>>     # do not reroute appadmin unless you want to disable it
>>     ('/$app/appadmin/$anything', BASE + '/$app/appadmin/$anything'),
>>     # do not reroute static files
>>     ('/$app/static/$anything', BASE + '/$app/static/$anything'),
>>     # do other stuff
>>     (r'.*http://otherdomain\.com.* /app/ctr(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'),
>>     (r'/app(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'),
>>     # restore the BASE prefix
>>     ('/$anything', BASE + '/$anything'),
>> )
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance
>> On Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 12:17:16 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>> On Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 4:05:59 PM UTC-4, 98u...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> How can I rewrite the URL (to drop asset):
>>>> to look like:
>>>> the app 'stock' ins't default
>>>> the controllert 'showcase' isn't default
>>>> the function 'asset' isn't default
>>> Do you use another function as the default within the "showcase" 
>>> controller? If not, you can define "asset" as the default function just for 
>>> the "showcase" controller using the parameter-based router. Alternatively, 
>>> you can use the default function to handle the above routes by checking for 
>>> a URL arg and returning the appropriate response. For example, if the 
>>> default function is "index":
>>> def index():
>>>     if not request.args:
>>>         [code currently in the "index" function]
>>>     else:
>>>         [code currently in the "asset" function]
>>> Finally, you could use the pattern-based rewrite system, though that can 
>>> start to get complex.
>>> Anthony

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