Using the same routes, I cannot replicate the generated URLs you observe. 
Make sure you reload routes (via admin) or restart the web server.

Also, do you really need a separate init app and notes app? Especially the 
init app -- what is it doing? If it just provides a single home page, that 
doesn't belong in a separate app.


On Monday, August 28, 2017 at 7:57:39 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> I removed routes_in and routes_out. The file in the site's root 
> looks like so:
> routers = dict(
>     # base router
>     BASE=dict(
>         default_application='init',
>     ),
>     stock=dict(
>         default_function='index',
>         functions=dict(
>             default=['index','call','download','user',],
>             showcase=['index',]
>             )
>         ),
> )
> During development I launch the stock app from the administrative 
> interface and the address bar shows:
> <>
> /default
> During its running one  menu item STOCK (it serves as home button, 
> beginning of listing) is visible, rendered by code:
> response.menu_stock = [(T('Stock'), False, URL('stock','default','index'), 
> [])
> ]
>  upon clicking on it the address bar also shows:
> <>
> /default
> I have two more apps in this site:
> INIT- which is sort of like a facade for the website when you type the 
> domain name in the browser it starts. 
> I launch STOCK app from within INIT with the same menu construct as above. 
> The browser also shows 'default'.
> NOTES- which are instructions to myself and my customer.
> I may add more apps in this project down the road.
> Curious, when I launch the app through address bar by typing: 
> <>
> the app starts and the address bar remains unchanged.
> Thanks for you time.
> On Monday, August 28, 2017 at 2:40:07 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>> First, get rid of routes_in/routes_out -- they will not work in 
>> conjunction with "router".
>> Regarding "default" in the URL -- how are you generating the URL. You can 
>> always add default_controller="default", but that should not be necessary, 
>> as "default" is the default value for default_controller anyway.
>> Anthony
>> On Monday, August 28, 2017 at 2:14:15 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>>> Big thank you! This works.
>>> One little detail emerged though. Now that  I replaced the pattern 
>>> (having my line in routes_out as above) in my site root with the 
>>> parameter rewrite method my URL shows 'default':
>>> <>
>>> /default
>>> and I was aiming for:
>>> <>
>>> I added a line: controllers='DEFAULT' has no effect:
>>> routers = dict(
>>>     stock=dict(
>>>         controllers='DEFAULT',
>>>         default_function='index',
>>>         functions=dict( 
>>>             default=['index', ...],
>>>             showcase=['index', ...]
>>>         )
>>>     ),
>>> )
>>> Thanks for your time
>>> On Monday, August 28, 2017 at 11:19:09 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>>> On Monday, August 28, 2017 at 10:05:27 AM UTC-4, 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> No, the name 'index' withing 'showcase' is idle.
>>>> Then just use the parameter-based rewrite system with a configuration 
>>>> like this:
>>>> routers = dict(
>>>>     stock=dict(
>>>>         default_function='index',
>>>>         functions=dict(
>>>>             default=['index', ...],
>>>>             showcase=['index', ...]
>>>>         )
>>>>     ),
>>>> )
>>>> Then simply change the "asset" function to "index".
>>>> Anthony

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