I diasagree too.

I need a web2py helpdesk.

If enough user community is attracted to web2py + GAE, I can get my
helpdesk built.

Also as an architect of the language Massimo, the focus should be;

1. Documentation

2. Attracting developers to web2py

3. After the founder scenario - Creating a community / Foundation like

A one man dictating, i need "estore + cms" out of the blue, seems
plain silly.

We can take a lot of good things from Jquery, Debian etc


On Jul 11, 5:48 pm, JohnMc <maruadventu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Joe --
> I disagree as well. Even though I have said more than once docs are a
> weak point. But it is being addressed. Might I suggest, Massimo
> released 3 chapters of the new book. Have you reviewed them and
> possibly sent in corrections? Proof's in the pudding.
> Yarko, rest --
> Want something focused, gets out the kinks on process and has
> something to show for it in the end process?
> Why not turn the editorial proofing of the V2 of the book into a
> series of sprints? If nothing else it will validate the 'process' for
> everything else going forward. If Massimo approves, its his IP.
> As to projects to tackle. I see nothing wrong with either CMS, Wiki,
> or eStore. If you ran these suggestions thru a UML you will end up
> with some constituent subcomponents.
> * editor come tag tool. Ends up being common to all three.
> * intelligent storage. A means to properly categorize content, filter
> it, sort it in a common way. Maybe an XPath like metaphor higher level
> than the DAL for most common searches? DAL directly for more
> sophisticated queries. Common to CMS, Wiki, Blog and catalog
> descriptions in an eStore.
> * Calendar function. An iCal based engine plus a base level class for
> display. Common to CMS, Wiki, Blog.
> * Workflow engine. Leverage off the cron functionality but extend it
> to trigger tasks in sequence and in parallel as the work flow
> dictates. Tasks would validate predecessors are complete. Common in
> CMS, eStore.
> With those subcomponents in hand tackling the higher level projects
> start with around 50% of the work already done -- once. This also
> gives those interested exposure to these tools before launching a
> larger project.
> JohnMc
> On Jul 11, 11:34 am, Joe  Barnhart <joe.barnh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think its a complete diversion of effort and a waste of time.
> > The reason we don't have meaningful apps on web2py is because nobody
> > can figure out how to use it.  The documentation SUCKS.  Hello??!?
> > Haven't we had this discussion endless times already?
> > We are the same group who couldn't create our own WIKI in web2py so we
> > could have a PLACE for documentation.  Instead of fixing the wiki
> > we're going to hike the banners and storm the walls of other platforms
> > by doing our own CMS?
> > We need cohesive documentation so we can grow the pool of web2py
> > users.  Useful meaningful applications will come if we have a user
> > community with depth.  Which we DON'T at present.
> > -- Joe Barnhart
> > On Jul 10, 1:32 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > I think we need to build two task forces.
> > > 1) to build a CMS
> > > 2) to build a eStore
> > > the more overlap the better. We need two project leaders and
> > > volunteers. I also suggest starting by creating google docs to gather
> > > requirements.
> > > Lots of people needs these, including me.
> > > Massimo
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