HI Antonio,

Can't speak as to pythonanywhere, but Opalstack definitely supports 
automatic Letsencrypt certificates - I have it set up on all my sites.  You 
just flip a switch on each website and the rest is handled automatically, 
including auto-renewals.

Also for other general info you may need: 

I also used to use the mail2script functionality when on WF to handle 
incoming bounced emails.  Last I inquired Opalstack said it was on their to 
do list as they were working on their API, but they suggested an easy 
workaround which I've been using since then with no problems.

On Opalstack I implemented the same functionality by dumping copies of 
incoming emails I wanted to process into one specific dedicated IMAP 
mailbox.  Then my script runs via cron (every 5 minutes) and checks that 
mailbox periodically for new messages, processes them and deletes them from 
the mailbox.

The code is simple (sorry, I can't find the code formatting options in this 
new google reply interface):
        # Connect to imap mailbox.
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
        server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host=imaphost, ssl_context=ctx)
        resp, items = server.search(None, "UNSEEN")
        # process any message(s). 
        for i in items:
             resp, data = server.fetch(i, "(RFC822)") 
             do whatever with the message here......................
             server.store(i, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted')       # Set delete flag 
on this message. 

        server.expunge()        # Physically remove messages that are 
flagged as deleted from the mailbox (actually delete). 

There's also a near realtime example using IMAP IDLE listeners if once a 
minute via cron isn't enough.  See this thread for details:  



On Friday, 16 October 2020 at 09:44:02 UTC+1 Ramos wrote:

> i need https ssl certificates (automatic letsencrypt). opalstack and 
> pythonanywhere dont refer this option as available.
> also i have a virtual email address that forward incoming emails to python 
> script like pic attached. Do pythonanywhare permit this ? i already 
> know that opalstack dont permit this yet..
> [image: image.png]

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