Hello Denes,

> I am not sure that is a con.
> More powerful (I can't opine since I have not used Django) but less
> immediate?.

I think there is a misunderstanding, I've wrote that Django ORM is
less powerful but more immediate :
"ORM maybe it's more powerful than the Django one but it's less
immediate. "

"I feel that you are just more familiar with Django's syntax."

Sure! I'm learning web2py right now.. :-) But I think that when you
authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)

you understand immediately that this is a field of the table book that
has a many to many relationship with the table Author.
But, yes, I'm more familiar with Django and this is really a minor
problem. :-)

> I believe web2py now has the select with add, recent enhancement.

Can you tell me how can I implement the select with add in a form?

> > I also like the design of forms that
> > belongs on many to many relationships. I also think that overall
> > design of admin interface is more beautiful than web2py admin
> > interface.http://graffletopia.com/images/previews/362/original.jpg
> Just curious, is that a Django admin pic?
> It looks more like a widget demo page.

Yes, it is. It's a modified admin page I think. In Django you can
easily modify
the aspect of admin page. The Django admin is a really cool feature:

Django admin can be easily customizable and is more beautiful to see,
and I hope that
someday also web2py will have improvements on those aspects.

> > The cons (for now!):
> I think you meant pros.

Yes, it was a mistake!

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