about your ORM remarks, Massimo already pointed out this: I prefer a
more powerful tool but maybe (little) less immediate than the other
way round, but I think that this is ultimately just a matter of

I am not a Django expert but I used it in the past: what really got me
to adopt web2py was his template language, the more pythonic I have
ever seen and that's really a thing you will appreciate.

About docs, you are right but web2py is improving..about admin, I do
not have a deep practice with Django administration, but I have to say
I never had the feeling that web2py lack something important in his
admin interface. I would add that the admin web2py console where you
can test your query from the command line is also a great thing you
should try.


On 23 Ott, 20:27, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)
> This hides the actual database implementation. It is fine is the link
> table does not carry additional information but limiting otherwise.
> Web2py we choose not abstract the databse too much, only the syntax to
> access it, more like RoR does it.
> We allow complex joins in the queries which (in my opinion)
> compensates for the lack of a syntax like the one you propose).
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