Let me clarify my point of view. Anybody here can create any
documentation in any system they like and if it gets to decent quality
I just link it.

If I have to put any effort into it I would like a system that can
automatically read my latex, generate new one, be editable as a wiki,
introspect code in real time, extract docstring/docstests and allow
users to edit them. Something like but better than this:
I think this is doable.


Because every single person on this list over the last 3 years has
proposed a new wiki solution. Almost nobody has actually written any
documentation (except those people who contributed with docstring
patches, web2pyslices and wiki.web2py.com). Most of what was
documented (outside the book) are examples and they get outdated soon
as new APIs are added to web2py.
I believe the solution must come from liking documentation to the


On Feb 8, 5:28 pm, Brian M <bmere...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Insisting on having to use web2py for the documentation is silly.
> Sorry, but there are a bunch of wikis out there that are better/more
> complete than the one in web2py. Yeah we can try to built the perfect
> wiki in web2py but waiting to do the community documentation until
> that happens is a waste.  Wiki syntax is pretty standard, when the day
> comes to move to a web2py powered wiki the content can be migrated,
> but in the mean time I say put something out there with MoinMoin or
> DokuWiki or whatever and start getting some quality content.
> Credibility wise I should think that having what's preceived as "poor"
> documentation is worse than having good documentation that just
> happens to not be powered by the framework being documented. I think
> people will understand that the best tool for the job that was
> currently available was used.
> Just my 2 cents (or less) worth.
> ~Brian
> On Feb 8, 4:12 pm, mikech <mp.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Seriously?
> > On Feb 8, 1:47 pm, "ma...@rockiger.com" <rocki...@googlemail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > From the web2py marketing department:
> > > Using anything different than web2py is a no go.
> > > Practice what you preach. Otherwise you are not credible
> > > On Feb 5, 5:21 am, Anand Vaidya <anandvaidya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > On Feb 5, 10:44 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > > > Do you want me to endorse a web2py wiki make with Drupal?
> > > > > Massimo
> > > > Hi Massimo,
> > > > I think should not be a problem.  I am declaring the site as
> > > > unofficial until you get comfortable with it. You could probably wait
> > > > a bit longer and see how it evolves.
> > > > My thoughts:
> > > > * web2py is optimized for apps , Drupal is optimized for CMS. We could
> > > > implement a CMS app with w2py but I think that will be so against DRY.
> > > > * Both are Open Source software
> > > > * We will be wasting our time if we try to duplicate Drupal (or
> > > > Joomla) functionality with web2py. CMS  is a problem that has been
> > > > solved many times (esp. in the PHP / Java world)
> > > > * Drupal is absolutely wonderful ( at the cost of being a bit complex
> > > > to understand) has tons of themes, addon modules and a huge community
> > > > etc.
> > > > * I have not seen a Markdown/RST based wiki / CMS that is very easy to
> > > > use AND works well/looks good .  Drupal uses HTML for content and with
> > > > CKeditor JS GUI editor, it is as easy as editing a MSWord (or
> > > > OpenOffice) document
> > > > * Many projects do host their docs "elsewhere" eg: Earlier, I had
> > > > actively used Gridsphere (http://www.gridsphere.org) - a Java Portlet
> > > > Server which used to host their docs/bugs with Atlassian Confluence /
> > > > Jira.
> > > > My opinion is that right now, we need to get something that is very
> > > > easy to enable everyone, irrespective of their skill level to be able
> > > > to contribute. And have a functional, visually appealing docs site.
> > > > We can always migrate to a better app on python or web2py when it is
> > > > ready for prime time.
> > > > Do you have  any specific issues with Drupal. (eg: security etc)
> > > > Regards
> > > > anand
> > > > > On Feb 4, 5:56 pm, Anand Vaidya <anandvaidya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > Yes, Drupal CMS.http://www.drupal.org/
> > > > > > I don't think there is anything in Python as good and easy to use.
> > > > > > esp.for end users who are familiar with WYSISYG HTML editing but may
> > > > > > be not familiar with RST, Markdown etc.
> > > > > > I tried MoinMoin with the RST/Markdown plugin, seems very buggy 
> > > > > > still
> > > > > > (or maybe due to the fact that I am using 1.8-plugin in Moin-1.9.1?)
> > > > > > Regards
> > > > > > Anand
> > > > > > On Feb 5, 7:00 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > > > > >http://webtopy.org/community/tips-examples

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