On Mar 6, 6:45 pm, villas <villa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Maybe you have a relevant coherent point. But damned if I know what it is.
> Suffice it to say, I am surprised you would be so rude and indignant
> about your difficulty in understanding plain English and recognising
> the extraordinary capabilities of your free 'prototyping' tool, and I
> wish you every success in making sense of it all.

This is dangerously teetering on "name callng" - please be careful.

Everyone has the right to their opinion, strong or otherwise - there
is not need to attack / call names.

As for "plain english" - while I do not want anything with this
"marketing" discussion (I have seen this repeat over the years, to the
same benefit - none useful which I can discern) - I would agree that I
read the post which this original comment was directed towards, and
too had trouble finding "the point" --- but I suspect it was because
that post too, perhaps,

was littered with inuendos:

- streets ahead/behind ?  not sure what you were driving at;
- evolving faster than corporations?   maybe, but how is that relevant
to this discussion, what was the point?  (I could not tell - nor do I
care to hear the answer)
- "always up the the individual" --- this looked like a sideways
attack to me;  again, not sure for what point / purpose (to try to
socially "sensor" John, because you were uncomfortable with what he
- "profound gravitas":    you seem to be asking, somewhat indirectly
the poster to stay out of your thread.

I am not interested in your response, nor do I need one.

But for the community at large, I would poitn out:

Despite your taste / distaste with the way the "maybe you had a
point"  response was posted - nevertheless, it seems to have som
Name calling,  "cat fighting" I (for one) definitely do not welcome -
here nor anywhere.

Reign yourselves in - a community works by listening, acceptance, and
tolerance - even, and most especially in the face of disagreements.

- Yarko
> -David

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