On Apr 20, 9:34 am, Mark Breedveld <m.breedv...@solcon.nl> wrote:
> My excuses, that was not what I ment.
> I ment was.
> How do you package the application before publish it?
> Is there a repo? Do have a script to do that?

Mark -

Perhaps this will help:

- The repo is http://code.google.com/p/web2py/

- the application has a makefile for build / distribution (see
  it's not so much a production process, as a convenient collection of
steps for Massimo to use when you prepares a release, but it should
provide you some insight (there may be steps not captured in the

- The packaged files (a source zip, a mac executable, a windows
executable)  are posted on www.web2py.com;   See the makefile entries
for these at "src", "app", "win".     Since web2py (for development)
requires "no installation" (caveat: if running source, you need to
have python installed), you run web2py as shown in the Makefile
entry:  "run"

> It is a question about the process, not a technical web2py question.
> And my second question was how should we develop the deb package? Is
> there a repo that we could use for package code/script? Who approves
> or creates the debian packages for every release? And how should we
> use it?

Probably what you are asking is how you will add to the Makefile - and
codify the deb packaging process:

I think you would want to make a clone from the google-code repo, make
your package commands, and submit for review;  Massimo would have
people from the list test the installation in various contexts, and it
would go from there.

I presume once a packaging process is created, understood, and
accepted by all, Massimo would merge it (I expect Makefile entries)
and begin to add it to his release process - so that a release would
include packaging up for submittal to a debian repository.

Some questions that come to mind:

What would an acceptable release frequency be (Massimo releases
relatively frequently)?

Does a local-host install of web2py make sense?

Is this the right mechanism for releasing web2py?

There will be people more interested in configuration and deployment
in a server environment, and the configurations (apache, etc.) and
choices are beyond a package.   A standard installation in a server
environment may not make sense, as the web2py instance will have
additions of application code - either it needs to be in user space,
or (as on a slice) user has to have access to the installation area,
to add to it (minmally, links to the web2py applications).

For personal installation, for local development, a package doesn't
make sense:  unzip, run, develop --- that's the normal process (and
you begin to insert your application code in the tree).

I hope this was helpful, answered some of your questions.

- Yarko

> I'm new to the opensource, so any advice would be welcome.
> regards Mark,
> On Apr 20, 4:09 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > This is partially true. I approves changes in the web2py source code
> > but I am not convinced that packaging fordebianrequires changing in
> > the web2py source code. In fact, I hope it does not. If it does not,
> > there is nothing for me to approve, although I will be happy to review
> > your proposal and test it.
> > Thanks for your help on this.
> > Massimo
> > On Apr 20, 3:15 am, Mark Breedveld <m.breedv...@solcon.nl> wrote:
> > > Hello Massimo,
> > > I'm almost done with my exames, so i've a little sparetime left.
> > > What brings me back to webpy packaging.
> > > Well I'm fairly new to web2p development.
> > > And have no clue how the process goes.
> > > I read somewhere in the mailinglist that you approve changes.
> > > And publish them into a new version.
> > > My question is:
> > > How and where would you like to have the web2py packaging system
> > > developt?
> > > and
> > > How would you like to have the packaging system to work?
> > > Because if the above statement is right, then you would be the end
> > > user of the packaging system.
> > > I hope you can get me on the road.
> > > regards,
> > > Mark Breedveld,
> > > --
> > > Subscription 
> > > settings:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

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