Hello, I'm author of elFinder.py

In about a month we plan to release new version of elFinder, mostly
bugfixes but I also plan to rewrite python version to be more library

I know there are problems integrating elfinder with different
frameworks on python, current version was written for use under pure
CGI. This is my first major experience with python and so I have many
questions about the "right way" how to write connector so it can be
easy to integrate and write plugins.

The biggest question to me is how to implement handling POST and GET
data, I've seen many different ways how it is done in different
frameworks. Currently this is done using:
import cgi
self._form = cgi.FieldStorage()
Maybe I should put this outside elFinder.py and only pass parameters
to connector?

Feedback is welcome.

On Jun 24, 5:47 am, Phyo Arkar <phyo.arkarl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Finally after 2 days of hacking elfinder backend for Django 
> fromhttp://www.elrte.ru/redmine/issues/128<http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.elrte.ru/redmine/issues/1...>
> , i have managed to get elFinder working (about 90% of features)
> Attached is elFinder-web2py , still alot of improvement needed.
> -Downloading files is not working yet but should be easy to fix.
> -Help me make it more integrated into web2py
> -Their method of DIrectory scanning is so slow , going to replace with
> os.walk.
> Please note that this is not for Production use.
> I started a project , download and test there.
> Note URL (Both in View and web2py_elcon) need to be change to your host:port
> (i did with port 8080)
> http://code.google.com/p/elfinder-web2py/downloads/list

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