Hello Torex

Welcome to Web2py Group!
Thats very good to have you here!
I am trying to make elfinder work for web2py , please feel free to reuse my
work in your release.

Here is the Connector initiation:


Check inside function elcon .

and here is elFinder Backend Class


Currently it is working partially  (atleast for me)

Please review and test , we can work together on this.

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Troex Nevelin <tr...@fury.scancode.ru>wrote:

> Hello, I'm author of elFinder.py
> In about a month we plan to release new version of elFinder, mostly
> bugfixes but I also plan to rewrite python version to be more library
> like.
> I know there are problems integrating elfinder with different
> frameworks on python, current version was written for use under pure
> CGI. This is my first major experience with python and so I have many
> questions about the "right way" how to write connector so it can be
> easy to integrate and write plugins.
> The biggest question to me is how to implement handling POST and GET
> data, I've seen many different ways how it is done in different
> frameworks. Currently this is done using:
> import cgi
> self._form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> Maybe I should put this outside elFinder.py and only pass parameters
> to connector?
> Feedback is welcome.
> On Jun 24, 5:47 am, Phyo Arkar <phyo.arkarl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Finally after 2 days of hacking elfinder backend for Django fromhttp://
> www.elrte.ru/redmine/issues/128<
> http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.elrte.ru/redmine/issues/1...>
> > , i have managed to get elFinder working (about 90% of features)
> >
> > Attached is elFinder-web2py , still alot of improvement needed.
> >
> > -Downloading files is not working yet but should be easy to fix.
> > -Help me make it more integrated into web2py
> > -Their method of DIrectory scanning is so slow , going to replace with
> > os.walk.
> >
> > Please note that this is not for Production use.
> >
> > I started a project , download and test there.
> >
> > Note URL (Both in View and web2py_elcon) need to be change to your
> host:port
> > (i did with port 8080)
> >
> > http://code.google.com/p/elfinder-web2py/downloads/list

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