Notice that all the logic (from user prospective) is here:

  button = BUTTON('click me',_id='abc')
  button.addListener('xyz',lambda button:"jQuery('#

  def index():
      return dict(mybutton = button)

The logic in the class BUTTON could be injected in all helpers without
problems (A already has part of it). The call action is already in the

The LOAD helpers was designed to make this even easier by putting all
the logic in the controller:

def index():
    return dict(mybutton=LOAD('default','button1'))

def button1():
    if request.env.request_method=='GET':
        return TAG.BUTTON('click me',_id='button1',
false;" % URL('button1'))
    return "jQuery('#button1').hide();"

This logic works with web2py already out of the box and I like it
better than registering callbacks.

On Oct 15, 9:08 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Make a mode called
>   objects={}
>   class BUTTON(DIV):
>      def __init__(self,*a,**b):
>           self.tag = 'button'
>           DIV.__init__(self,*a,**b)
> ['_id']
>           objects[]=self
>      def addListener(self,name,f):
>           service.run_procedures[name] = lambda id: f(objects[id])
>           self['_onclick']="ajax('%s',[],':eval');return false;" \
>               % URL('default','call',args=('run',name,self['_id']))
>   button = BUTTON('click me',_id='abc')
>   button.addListener('xyz',lambda button: "jQuery('#%s').hide()" %
> and a controller with
>   def index():
>       return dict(mybutton = button)
>   def call(): return service()
> This works as you expect.
> Here is the problem: the button has to defined in the model, not the
> controller. It it were to be defined in the controller, than the
> service would only register the listener in the scope of the function.
> Functions cannot be serialized. They could be cached in ram but that
> is still not a solution because the process may restart.
> Any idea?
> On Oct 15, 8:29 pm, Michele Comitini <>
> wrote:
> > 2010/10/16 mdipierro <>:
> > > Do you mean client-side events or server-side events, or something in
> > > between?
> > client side events calling listeners on the server.
> > For instance we have a button. Having an interface to add listeners
> > and managing ajax responses
> > would allow writing similar code in a controller:
> > def ajaxButton(): # may use it with a/c/ajaxButton.load
> >   b=BUTTON('PUSH ME!')
> >   b.addListener(lambda ajaxresponse:
> > ajaxresponse.appendJS('jQuery(%s).hide();' %
> > the above is just a stupid example, I hope it is not too confusing...
> > I'd create a standard Json response encapsulating the payload of js,
> > page headers, and a list of maps of  the tipe {id: <element id>,
> > {html: <replacement>, onreadyjs: <javascript on element ready>}}.  A
> > javascript function (on the client)  would take care of reading the
> > Json response and take appropriate actions.
> > > I think while we lack server-side events we actually have a system for
> > > handling client side events using jQuery and LOAD. I will post an
> > > example.  I need to resume and fix this:
> > >
> > > the jDiv class was the grandfather of the LOAD helper.
> > > On Oct 15, 3:10 pm, Michele Comitini <>
> > > wrote:
> > >> Lately I have been "forced" to use wicket (
> > >> Wicket is by no means "agile" compared to web2py.  Wicket is not a
> > >> full stack framework it needs a lot of other things to serve pages.
> > >>   As with any java coding wicket takes ages and pages to do things
> > >> that python does in one line. Against there is the java language which
> > >> is not functional and you need to carry around full objects (in wicket
> > >> called models) to pass messages between components, which can be long
> > >> to write.
> > >> But the thing I would take from wicket is a strong component/event
> > >> oriented approach with well defined interfaces, and a lot of
> > >> predefined widgets.
> > >> The same componet/event architecture can be implemented in web2py
> > >> using pyjamas, and it is quite easy and much more flexible, but it
> > >> would be nice to have it included by default or as a plugin!
> > >> 2010/10/15 David Marko <>:
> > >> > My favourite for clean java is
> > >> > experience than with Grails.
> > >> > David
> > >> > On 15 říj, 02:21, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:
> > >> >> Grails uses a template language
> > >> >> <g:each in="${books}">
> > >> >> You can't write Java or Groove in views as we can do with web2py 
> > >> >> writing
> > >> >> pure Python direclty in views.
> > >> >> It is one of the best/important feature in web2py, lot of people love 
> > >> >> web2py
> > >> >> because of the template system.
> > >> >> 2010/10/14 Jonathan Lundell <>
> > >> >> > On Oct 14, 2010, at 4:38 PM, DJ wrote:
> > >> >> > I was in a discussion recently telling my friend how great Web2Py 
> > >> >> > was
> > >> >> > for programmer productivity with all the inbuilt features (server,
> > >> >> > CRUD, auth). We were wondering if there was anything similar in 
> > >> >> > Java?
> > >> >> > Quick google search brought me to Tapestry and Wicket.
> > >> >> > Can any of you comment on any frameworks in java you have worked 
> > >> >> > with
> > >> >> > that resemble Web2py? Thank you for your comments.
> > >> >> > One possibility is Groovy, essentially a dynamic version of Java, 
> > >> >> > and the
> > >> >> > Grails framework.
> > >> >> ><>
> > >> >> ><>
> > >> >> > *Java is the new COBOL*
> > >> >> --
> > >> >>

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