2010/10/16 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>:
> Do you mean client-side events or server-side events, or something in
> between?

client side events calling listeners on the server.

For instance we have a button. Having an interface to add listeners
and managing ajax responses
would allow writing similar code in a controller:

def ajaxButton(): # may use it with a/c/ajaxButton.load
  b.addListener(lambda ajaxresponse:
ajaxresponse.appendJS('jQuery(%s).hide();' % b.id)

the above is just a stupid example, I hope it is not too confusing...

I'd create a standard Json response encapsulating the payload of js,
page headers, and a list of maps of  the tipe {id: <element id>,
{html: <replacement>, onreadyjs: <javascript on element ready>}}.  A
javascript function (on the client)  would take care of reading the
Json response and take appropriate actions.

> I think while we lack server-side events we actually have a system for
> handling client side events using jQuery and LOAD. I will post an
> example.  I need to resume and fix this:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/9c7ac0bfa7f6fe7/2f972fa13ed0f1a0?lnk=gst&q=jdiv#2f972fa13ed0f1a0
> the jDiv class was the grandfather of the LOAD helper.
> On Oct 15, 3:10 pm, Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Lately I have been "forced" to use wicket (wicket.apache.org).
>> Wicket is by no means "agile" compared to web2py.  Wicket is not a
>> full stack framework it needs a lot of other things to serve pages.
>>   As with any java coding wicket takes ages and pages to do things
>> that python does in one line. Against there is the java language which
>> is not functional and you need to carry around full objects (in wicket
>> called models) to pass messages between components, which can be long
>> to write.
>> But the thing I would take from wicket is a strong component/event
>> oriented approach with well defined interfaces, and a lot of
>> predefined widgets.
>> The same componet/event architecture can be implemented in web2py
>> using pyjamas, and it is quite easy and much more flexible, but it
>> would be nice to have it included by default or as a plugin!
>> 2010/10/15 David Marko <dma...@tiscali.cz>:
>> > My favourite for clean java ishttp://www.playframework.org/Better
>> > experience than with Grails.
>> > David
>> > On 15 říj, 02:21, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Grails uses a template language
>> >> <g:each in="${books}">
>> >> You can't write Java or Groove in views as we can do with web2py writing
>> >> pure Python direclty in views.
>> >> It is one of the best/important feature in web2py, lot of people love 
>> >> web2py
>> >> because of the template system.
>> >> 2010/10/14 Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com>
>> >> > On Oct 14, 2010, at 4:38 PM, DJ wrote:
>> >> > I was in a discussion recently telling my friend how great Web2Py was
>> >> > for programmer productivity with all the inbuilt features (server,
>> >> > CRUD, auth). We were wondering if there was anything similar in Java?
>> >> > Quick google search brought me to Tapestry and Wicket.
>> >> > Can any of you comment on any frameworks in java you have worked with
>> >> > that resemble Web2py? Thank you for your comments.
>> >> > One possibility is Groovy, essentially a dynamic version of Java, and 
>> >> > the
>> >> > Grails framework.
>> >> >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groovy_(programming_language)<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groovy_%28programming_language%29>
>> >> >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grails_(framework)<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grails_%28framework%29>
>> >> > *Java is the new COBOL*
>> >> --
>> >>http://rochacbruno.com.br

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