The conference talk is not on web2py but I will run examples using
web2py. Because of that I would like to release 1.89.1 next week. That
does not prevent us from making any more changes later. Yet, I would
not like to release something that is very different from the previous
version and too far from definitive. It will confuse new users.

On Nov 4, 2:38 pm, Branko Vukelic <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Anthony <> wrote:
> > Branko,
> > Again, thanks for all your efforts improving the Admin interface. Your
> > points are well taken, and I don't think anyone expects that all of
> > this feedback will be incorporated immediately (or even ever). We've
> > already made some very nice improvements over the old Admin, so
> > anything further is just icing on the cake.
> I've got word from Massimo that this has to be ready for the
> superocmputing 2010 presentation, so I won't go into anything
> intricate unless it's needed. I'll discuss with Massimo what the goals
> for the conference-worthiness might be. Cleaning up the HTML will be
> my primary goal, and then we'll get something done for the show.
> I've bookmarked this topic, and I'll most certainly come back to
> review it once we are done with superocmputing 2010. :)
> > Note, because we don't really have any structured process in place, I
> Well, yeah. The structured process would involve using the app for a
> while, and start with fixing the real problems. It's just like trying
> to develop something in web2py in order to see if everything works. If
> something really itches, ask for it to be scratched. If you can get
> used to it, and it works, then it's probably not a problem to begin
> with. And THEN we can talk about icing.
> For example, if you find yourself clicking the delete button over and
> over again, then you know for sure it's in a bad location. If it just
> doesn't agree with your sense of aesthetics, well, I'll make it
> prettier after the conference. :)
> > think the tendency is to just chime in with any seemingly relevant
> > feedback while the topic is hot (i.e., while there's an active thread
> > going on the list) -- there will be no cue to do so, say, a week or a
> > month from now after something is released. I suppose this could
> > change, but we'd have to be more deliberate about it.
> Yes, we can think of a way, sure. Gimp guys have an UI brainstorm
> site, so we could probably make something like that for web2py.
> Collecting user stories (descriptions of how people use the app) would
> be most welcome, too. I've asked a few questions earlier in one of the
> topics, but never got a reply.
> --
> Branko Vukelić
> Check out my blog:
> Check out my portfolio:
> Registered Linux user #438078 (
> I hang out on
> Gimp Brushmakers Guild

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