
Again, thanks for all your efforts improving the Admin interface. Your
points are well taken, and I don't think anyone expects that all of
this feedback will be incorporated immediately (or even ever). We've
already made some very nice improvements over the old Admin, so
anything further is just icing on the cake.

Note, because we don't really have any structured process in place, I
think the tendency is to just chime in with any seemingly relevant
feedback while the topic is hot (i.e., while there's an active thread
going on the list) -- there will be no cue to do so, say, a week or a
month from now after something is released. I suppose this could
change, but we'd have to be more deliberate about it.


On Nov 4, 12:36 pm, Branko Vukelic <> wrote:
> There are always new cool ideas, and I'm sure all of us have more than
> just a few of those. And I would LOVE to try all of them and see what
> works. But then again, we could do it until we all die and never
> finish. Why? Because there is no such thing as finished in graphic
> design. Someone says "Wouldn't A be greater than B?" And we do A. Then
> someone else comes along and says "I liked B better than A." Yet
> another person comes up with "But have you guys seen C?" And we get a
> few "Let's do X like Z does!" Rinse, repeat. And it's all good. The
> product evolves. But not all at once! At some point you HAVE to
> release. And not at the cost of sacrificing valuable time that can be
> used for other issues...
> the HTML?
> The current version needs a lot of love. It is repetitive. The file
> lists all work the same way, but we currently don't have much
> abstraction in that area. It's not structured very well from time to
> time.  For example, you have H1 and H2 used for both header AND the
> in-page headings, no selectors for individual pages (like how do you
> tell a difference between the <li> in tickets section, and the <li>
> within the design section? Style-wize, it lacks some important bits
> that enables me to work with sane amount of CSS. For example, most
> block elements are omitted, and <br /> is used for spacing. That's
> just PITA. Heading levels are consistent, but consistently
> inconsistent. So, those things need to be cleaned up, and I can do
> much more once HTML starts to make more sense.
> I'm not pointing fingers. I can and I will do the HTML myself. Point
> is, I'd rather have it done next thing than later or never. And then
> we can talk more design.
> --
> Branko Vukelić
> Check out my blog:
> Check out my portfolio:
> Registered Linux user #438078 (
> I hang out on
> Gimp Brushmakers Guild

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