I liked this treegrid library, but I think it is visually poluted, too much
complicated, I always need a simple dynamic html tables (just like SQLTABLE)
but including pagination, just one level of nested detail, edit in-line and
search. In adition with DAL virtual fields for live

Take web2py appadmin as example, imagine a system with more than 500 users
registered (natalanimal.com.br has 1001+ users registered, and ~40 donations
by day). it is not easy to manage this data only with default appadmin
tables, and I found so complicated to customize jqGrid for doing that. else,
jQGrid, Ext js, YUI grid and others are so complicated for doing simple
things like that.

I also have a 'Simple Agile Tool' which I use to manage scrum projects, I
never loads more than 100 records in a single table ( because dashboards are
filtered per sprint/project/goal. In this case, if an agile project has more
than 100 records per sprint this is not being agile.

Was because of this, that I started developing the powerTable plugin to wrap
datatables library together with web2py features.

web2py and datatables is a perfect match. web2py has the best data access
layer for working with this library.

I am working on dict, Json, XMl parser to work server side, I am sure it
will be a good option for grids in web2py applications.

somebody knows who created jQgrid and webgrid plugin?


Bruno Rocha

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