> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bruno Rocha
> Sent: 12/17/10 03:08 PM
> To: web2py@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [web2py] Powertable remarks
> Nice library! I didn't know http://demo.qooxdoo.org/

Well, check out their tag line on the homepage http://www.qooxdoo.org/. It's 
not a lie, definitely. It lives up to expectations.

The way qooxdoo works is it has its own model layer wich handles data retrieval 
and conversion. Then you can add this model to any widget, and the widget 
consumes the data. Basically, this means that the table data can be loaded from 
any kind of source. You can ping your server, or you can use a JSONP service, 
or XML, whatever you want. Tehcnically, you could write a model that parses 
HTML pages and extracts data from them. There's no need to adapt your server to 
qooxdoo thanks to this.

Branko Vukelic



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