On Jan 7, 11:45 pm, Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com>
> I think the most misunderstood fact with web2py is that web2py
> implementation is improving every day,

Do you really think the designers of other web frameworks do not
understand how web2py works?  They definitely understand, and they
probably understand better than you or I.   The problem is that web2py
design is different from their own design.  Because we operate in the
same space, they try to show why their decisions are better.  To be
fair, Massimo has been doing exactly the same thing by comparing w2py
versus the others for years.  Quid pro quo.  If we get to say why ours
is better, then they get to do likewise.

However, these subjective discussions simply don't matter.  The things
that they complain about are *fundamental* to how web2py works, and
that is why these topics are selected for ridicule.   It is
fundamental to w2py that controllers are executed by the framework
(and IMO its best feature, and why I chose it over Django).  Whether
this approach is better or worse than any other framework cannot be
determined theoretically, it has be be shown in practice, and we just
haven't been seeing the kind of problems that detractors have been
suggesting.  And really, it's been getting ridiculous.  Jacob KM
suggesting we're "not a python framework" and inviting us to "join the
party".  Such incredible arrogance.

web2py doesn't have to win reddit arguments.  All web2py has to do is
support the creation of many awesome websites.  We only need to
maintain focus on the core design criteria that have already been in
place since the start.   We do not need to have a huge community.  We
do not need to be the next big thing.  We do not have to slice toast
and make coffee or rear ponies.

Just be the best at making web app creation fast, easy and secure.

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