We occasionally got an Apache error so the page didn't get displayed.
So I decided to stress test using Apache Bench (ab).  It seems the
site suffered failure up to 50-100 concurrent connection.

Apache error log showed this error:

>>>>>>Premature end of script headers: wsgihandler.py

After digging around, I found similar discussions and change
apache2.conf like this:

# prefork MPM
StartServers 5
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
MaxClients 256
MaxRequestsPerChild 500
ServerLimit 256

Didn't seem to help.


A few notes:

+ It appears when I switched to sqlite instead of posgres, I didn't
have the problem.   (Sqlite had other problems, such as occasional
database locking, which is more serious)

+ I am on a VPS with 768MB with 1GB burstable.   While I'm doing the
stress test with Apache Bench (ab), using free on the server revealed
memory usage was about 450MB.  (Which is a lot, but is still under


In summary, memory was available.   But we got this wsgi error in
Apache with multiple requests.

Any idea please?


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