Doing database queries on datetime.datetime fields seems broken.  Here's an 

I have a database with a table 'transEntry' which includes a 'datetime' 

*      Field('dateTime','datetime'),*
      Field('upc', 'string'),
      Field('description', 'string'),
      Field('storeNumber', 'integer'),
      Field('terminalNumber', 'integer'),
      Field('transactionNumber', 'integer'),
      Field('operatorNumber', 'integer'),
      Field('quantity', 'integer'),
      Field('price', 'double'),
      Field('action', 'integer'),
      Field('sequenceNumber', 'integer'))

I do a search based on other fields, and it works fine:

first_search = db((db.transEntry.storeNumber==store_num) & 
>> 5213

Let's look at one of the results:

In [173]: ex = first_search[524].dateTime
In [174]: ex
Out[174]: datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 11, 17, 50, 55)

Now try to find a subset of the original query, entries antecedent to  ex : 

In [183]: broken_search = db( (db.transEntry.dateTime < ex) & 
(db.transEntry.storeNumber==store_num) & 
(db.transEntry.terminalNumber==lane_num) ).select( 

In [184]: len(gar2)
Out[184]: 270

?? Why are there only 270, we were expecting 523 of them??

Let's take a closer look:

In [186]: gar2[1].dateTime
Out[186]: datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 10, 10, 55, 39)

In [187]: gar2[2].dateTime
Out[187]: datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 10, 10, 56, 19)

In [189]: gar2[269].dateTime
*Out[189]: datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 10, 22, 40, 26)*

In [190]: ex
Out[190]: datetime.datetime(*2010, 12, 11, 17, 50, 55*)

?? For some reason, the closest result found is almost 24 hours away from    
'ex' ??

*?? Why didn't it find this one :*

In [191]: *gar[523].dateTime*
Out[191]: *datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 11, 17, 49, 37)*

I can't understand what's happening! It seems that comparisons of datetime 
fields in db queries just don't work correctly?

If anyone can explain/fix this, it will be much appreciated!!



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