Cut and paste, sorry!

Wanted to rename broken_search for clarity and failed. Late night...

—« sent from my Droid tablet »—
On Aug 19, 2011 12:12 AM, "Jose C" <> wrote:
>> In [183]: broken_search = db( (db.transEntry.dateTime < ex) &
>> (db.transEntry.storeNumber==store_num) &
>> (db.transEntry.terminalNumber==lane_num) ).select(
>> orderby=db.transEntry.dateTime)
>> In [184]: len(gar2)
>> Out[184]: 270
> In your exmaple above, in [183] you're assigning to variable
> `broken_search`. From there on you're working with the contents of
> variable `gar2`. Could that be your problem, or was it a cut and
> paste error?

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