I think I have figured it out, with the help of a python expert at work.

I am using sqlite3, which internally stores data as strings.

When creating my real database (not the toy example), I read raw date and 
time data as an isoformat string, and relied on DAL/web2py to convert. But 
perhaps in sqlite the field was just stored as the isoformat string:

db.recs.insert( ...., dateTime = isoformat_string, ... )

where 'dateTime' is a field of type  'datetime'

 If I look at a database row, dateTime is shown as a datetime object, and 
includes both the proper date and time, so presumably in reading the sqlite 
database web2py/DAL knows how to translate an isoformat to a datetime:

In [12]: db.recs[110].dateTime
Out[12]: datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 11, 16, 16, 36)

The mismatch occurs when attempting to do a db query with datetime fields, 
because I think that web2py/DAL converts a datetime to a string with str() 
instead of datetime.isoformat(),  and so when sqlite does the comparision,  
only the date matches, but not the time:

In [7]: str(dt)
Out[7]: '2010-12-11 16:34:34'

In [8]: dt.isoformat()
Out[8]: '2010-12-11T16:34:34'

Before I had this all figured out, I had added a new field to my database,  
iso_str, of type 'string',  and now I do all my date/time queries with that 
and it works fine.   Presumably if I rebuilt my database so that I converted 
my isoformat date/time data to a datetime object before inserting into the 
DB, all would be fine too!


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