Very nice work ongoing ..

Only sad thing is i am moving into Qooxdoo framework and  am getting
more and more into it , i am not going to be able to use any of
smartgrid .. It have an excellent Table with well written remote

Hope i can use in web2py way,

On 10/4/11, Jim Steil <> wrote:
> This didn't work for me, but maybe I'm applying it in the wrong spot.
> My controller is:
> @auth.requires_login()
> def members():
>      response.view = 'list.html'
>      columns = ['member.firstName', 'member.lastName', '',
>                 'member.state', '', 'member.joinedOn',
>                 'memberCampaign.campaignId',
>                 'memberCampaign.amount', 'memberCampaign.paidOn',
>                 'memberTag.tagId']
>      db.memberCampaign._plural = 'Campaigns'
>      grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.member, columns=columns, details=False,
>                               ui='jquery-ui', csv=False)
>      return dict(grid=grid)
> Running this I get:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "C:\dev\web2py\gluon\", line 194, in restricted
>      exec ccode in environment
>    File "C:/dev/web2py/applications/dalc/controllers/", line
> 118, in <module>
>    File "C:\dev\web2py\gluon\", line 149, in <lambda>
>      self._caller = lambda f: f()
>    File "C:\dev\web2py\gluon\", line 2467, in f
>      return action(*a, **b)
>    File "C:/dev/web2py/applications/dalc/controllers/", line
> 100, in members
>      db.memberCampaign._plural = 'Campaigns'
>    File "C:\dev\web2py\gluon\", line 4981, in __setattr__
>      raise SyntaxError, 'Object exists and cannot be redefined: %s' % key
> SyntaxError: Object exists and cannot be redefined: _plural
> Just created my environment from trunk.
> Thoughts?
>      -Jim
> On 10/3/2011 12:59 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> On Oct 3, 5:07 am, andrej burja<>  wrote:
>>> hi
>>> how could i add a sum in the linked table?
>>> i have person, linked table payments. Opening the payments table from
>>> person
>>> table, displaying only payments from that person, i would like to display
>>> the sum for that person. How can i do that?
>> That's a good idea for a new feature. Please open a ticket
>>> and how to change the label on button 't_payments'?
>> db.t_payments._plural = 'My Payments' # requires trunk
>>> andrej

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