I used the PyDev+Eclipse+ GAE debugger extensively (after making it 
to see how web2py is working internally.

Bottom line web2py is excellent for rapid development - while it is still 
any change in the model in 0.py (say) is available immediately after 
browser refresh
because 0.py is read every time on browser refresh. 

This is perfect for development but for production kills the speed. 
Actually after 0.py
is tweaked and reaches maturity I need to put it at read 'once mode'.

This is much more important with GAE because for GAE you update all your 
on the cloud, not just 0.py if changed, so this feature is useless for GAE 
in production 
environment and slows down the execution.

In 0.py I have GAE models which are already stable and I have to be able to 
put them 
in a read once place. The question is how they would be available globally 
In ideal scenario if I have a class:

class MyClass(db_google.Model)
     name = dg_google.string(...)
     def profile(self, id)
           <some code>

I would want to access the model like (the simplest possible way):

myclass = MYClass.profile(id)
name = myclass.name

Is this possible in web2py?


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