i'm still pretty newbie for them.. but i'll try to search.

On Jan 2, 11:42 pm, Ross Peoples <ross.peop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, you can, though it's much more difficult to stream it live to a web
> page. You would need to use JavaScript (comet or polling) to get the output
> as it is generated and display it in the browser. There are many ways to do
> this, but it's not the simplest thing in the world.
> Off the top of my head, I can think of a few different ways to implement
> this (though each has pros and cons):
> - Simplest: load a page as usual with an <iframe> tag that runs the command
> and streams the output as it happens
> - Better: Start the process and just AJAX calls to grab latest output and
> display
> - Best/Hardest: Use comet (AJAX push) to push output to the web page
> Using <iframe> is sometimes frowned upon as it's seen as the "easy way out"
> of doing complicated tasks. Using JavaScript offers some extra flexibility
> on how the output is displayed in the browser (and could even allow the
> user to interact).

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