On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 14:21:36 -0700 (PDT)
"Arthur P." <a.p.mein...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Having installed my first CMS using Joomla, my albums using Gallery2,
> and having more recently used Drupal, I think most if not all Python
> based CMS's are still very much "programmer's products", have not yet
> reached the plug and play level of Joomla. Web2Py as framework
> certainly seems the easiest to install and to get something up and
> running with, but I have the feeling I will have to do a bit more
> reading than with Joomla...

I agree that Web2py is still very much "programmer's product" and
that's why I still stay with Concrete5 (PHP).

Otoh, there are several mature Django-based  CMS-es (Django-CMS,
Mezzanine, FeinCMS...) which are approaching PHP ones in terms of ease
of use for end user, add-ons etc.

However, we still hope that some robust web2py-based CMS will evolve in
due course of time not requiring to write most of the stuff from the


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