On 10 Aug 2012, at 8:42 AM, Rob_McC <mrmccorm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  To make is same as google user name policy:
> They allow periods, but NOT as a first letter - I added to your RegEx
> I'm almost got it, I want to use exactly what Google uses, (see image 
> attached) - I bet this could be on RegEx, but won't have separate messages 
> then.
> auth.settings.table_user.username.requires = [IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 
> auth.settings.table_user.username),
>     IS_LENGTH(30,6,'must be between 6-30 letters'),
>     IS_MATCH('[.a-z].*', error_message='lower case only and periods only'),
>     IS_EXPR("value[:1]<>'.'", error_message='User name can\'t start with 
> period'),
>     IS_EXPR("value.find(' ') < 0", error_message='User name can\'t contain 
> spaces'),
>     IS_EXPR("value.find('-') < 0", error_message='User name can\'t contain 
> dashes'),
>     IS_EXPR("value.find('_') < 0", error_message='User name can\'t contain 
> underscores'),
>     ]
> I'll keep testing, thanks
> Rob

'[.a-z].*' is probably too permissive, or the error message is wrong. Do you 
mean "User name must start with lower case or a period"?

(Does Google really forbid upper case?)

The message "lower case only and periods only" is confusing; it sounds like 
that's the rule for the entire name. Is that right? 

"User name can't contain hyphens": double quotes make the apostrophe 


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