oh cr#p, because i was able to definitely trace that cPickle.load error to 
the unrecoverable error.  makes sense now.

so how can i narrow this terrible thing down. i am using apache httpd 
2.2.15 on centos 6.3, postgresql 9.1 with the web2py contrib pg8000 driver, 
and web2py 2.0.8.  i have excluded any unnecessary code as much as i could, 
pool_size=7 which changed from my first ticket to this unrecoverable, and i 
am not doing any hard commit() or rollback() and such.  i do a few 
db.update, db.insert, but that is the most manual i get, and again the 
exceptions are always when a user is logging in.  i have also noted that 
the server will kick off a user in mid session and the user has to 
re-login.  so i am not sure it is with the connection to the db or the 
session controller.

perhaps it is the way i have my /etc/httpd/conf.d/default.conf file 
configured for multiple domain names.  can someone point me to some example 
entries for that file for multiple domains using web2py applications?

but this has to be fixed, one way or the other because it is sucking wind 
like crazy and i have been chasing my tail for 3 weeks now.  thanx for the 
help and i hope some solution avails itself to bring in stability.  
please.  lucas


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