
On 2007/10/03, at 12:13, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Was? It is still the best idea for the 90% of the ubiquitous stuff. Even in the WO world, the open source components make up a significant chunk of the stack: OS (sometimes), Tomcat (sometimes), Wonder, WOLips, Ant, pdf frameworks, AJAX frameworks, and dozens of others.

Yes, but at what cost? Don't get me wrong, I love Wonder, and I respect a lot the people who work on Wonder every day. But let's face it: compare the quality of both projects, WO and Wonder. I did find some stuff on Wonder (specially the qualifiers) that simply didn't work at all, because their author made them for solving it's own problem. I fixed them to solve my own problem, and commited. I'm not sure if they work on the general case, and I suspect they don't. Now compare it with Apple's qualifiers... they just work. This is what I'm talking about: if I have to choose between a slow and stable development and a quick but not-so-good development, I choose the first. Yes, I'm an old school kind of guy, but I like things that work.

but it has a lot of drawbacks, specially when you look at the quality of the products, because a lof of people work on it and because many times there's not a roadmap for the product.

Is there a roadmap for WO? Again, not all projects are created equal. Just like with commercial software, you have to apply your intelligence to make the right choice.

As you see I haven't argued for or against open sourcing WO, but let's be reasonable and not generalize too much.

It's true, WO doesn't have a (public, at least) roadmap. And there are a lot of crappy comercial software, and some good quality open source software. But my point is, what will open source bring to us that is any good? You mentioned Wonder features. What's important there is the features themselves, not the fact that they are open source. Who cares if they are open source or not? I want them to work, that's all. Again, look at Cocoa. Is it open source? No. Anyone cares? No. That's why I prefer the approach of convincing Apple to develop WO actively, instead of convincing them to open source WO, specially because they will NOT do it.


Miguel Arroz

Miguel Arroz

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