On 10/28/07, Mike Schrag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are lots of other ways to address many of the steps I list here, and
> Apple now recommends that you use the jar versions of their frameworks
> instead of the .framework versions which I use, but I didn't want to rock
> the boat just yet -- this procedure I'm writing is all about getting things
> as close to "normal" again before we start doing other craziness over the
> next few days.  This is basically the "how do I just get back to things
> working again" tutorial.
> Note, I did an upgrade install, so things may be a little different if you
> did a fresh install, but I suspect it would only be less things you have to
> do.
> * Install Xcode Tools and select WebObjects so you get 5.4
> * Make sure Web Sharing is enabled in the Sharing Prefs Panel
> * Note: /etc/httpd is out, /etc/apache2 is in
> * Edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf (if you did a fresh install, you may already
> have these -- search httpd.conf first)
> ** search for rewrite_module, and above it, add a
> LoadModule WebObjects_module
> /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache2.2/mod_WebObjects.so
> ** go to the very end and add
> Include
> /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache2.2/apache.conf**
> Search for "Directory /" and comment out the Order and Deny lines:
> <Directory />
>     Options FollowSymLinks
>     AllowOverride None
>     #Order deny,allow
>     #Deny from all
> </Directory>
> ** Restart apache ("apachectl restart" as root)
> ** if you run "ps auxw | grep httpd" you should see apache now running
> * Create
> /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.webobjects.wotaskd.plist
> with:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
> "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd";>
> <plist version="1.0">
> <dict>
>         <key>Disabled</key>
>         <false/>
>         <key>GroupName</key>
>         <string>appserverusr</string>
>         <key>Label</key>
>         <string>com.apple.webobjects.wotaskd</string>
>         <key>OnDemand</key>
>         <false/>
>         <key>Program</key>
> <string>/System/Library/WebObjects/JavaApplications/wotaskd.woa/wotaskd</string>
>         <key>ProgramArguments</key>
>         <array>
>                 <string>wotaskd</string>
>                 <string>-WOPort</string>
>                 <string>1085</string>
>         </array>
>         <key>ServiceIPC</key>
>         <false/>
>         <key>UserName</key>
>         <string>appserver</string>
> </dict>
> </plist>
> * Create
> /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.webobjects.womonitor.plist
> with:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
> "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd";>
> <plist version="1.0">
> <dict>
>         <key>Disabled</key>
>         <false/>
>         <key>GroupName</key>
>         <string>appserverusr</string>
>         <key>Label</key>
>         <string>com.apple.webobjects.womonitor</string>
>         <key>OnDemand</key>
>         <false/>
>         <key>Program</key>
> <string>/System/Library/WebObjects/JavaApplications/JavaMonitor.woa/JavaMonitor</string>
>         <key>ProgramArguments</key>
>         <array>
>                 <string>JavaMonitor</string>
>                 <string>-WOPort</string>
>                 <string>56789</string>
>         </array>
>         <key>ServiceIPC</key>
>         <false/>
>         <key>UserName</key>
>         <string>appserver</string>
> </dict>
> </plist>
> * launchctl load
> /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.webobjects.wotaskd.plist
> * launchctl load
> /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.webobjects.womonitor.plist
> * if you run "ps auxw | grep java" you should see wotaskd and java monitor
> now running
> * The following can be done a couple ways, but this is just how I happened
> to have things setup in betas, so I kept it (it worked for me):
> ** Make a /System/Library/Frameworks/WebObjects54 folder,
> and move the following frameworks from the 5.4 install into it:
>  JavaDTWGeneration.framework
>  JavaDirectToWeb.framework
>  JavaEOAccess.framework
>  JavaEOApplication.framework
>  JavaEOControl.framework
>  JavaEODistribution.framework
>  JavaEOGeneration.framework
>  JavaEOInterface.framework
>  JavaEOInterfaceCocoa.framework
>  JavaEOInterfaceSwing.framework
>  JavaEOProject.framework
>  JavaEORuleSystem.framework
>  JavaEOTool.framework
>  JavaFoundation.framework
>  JavaJDBCAdaptor.framework
>  JavaJNDIAdaptor.framework
>  JavaWOExtensions.framework
>  JavaWOJSPServlet.framework
>  JavaWebObjects.framework
>  JavaWebServicesClient.framework
>  JavaWebServicesGeneration.framework
>  JavaWebServicesSupport.framework
>  JavaXML.framework
> ** Make a /System/Library/Frameworks/WebObjects53 folder,
> and move the following frameworks from your old 5.3 install into it (I tar'd
> these up from 5.3 before upgrading, but you can download 5.3 and extract
> these from the pkg, or POSSIBLY install them with the actually installer ...
> YMMV on that one)
>  JavaDTWGeneration.framework
>  JavaDirectToWeb.framework
>  JavaEOAccess.framework
>  JavaEOApplication.framework
>  JavaEOCocoa.framework
>  JavaEOControl.framework
>  JavaEODistribution.framework
>  JavaEOGeneration.framework
>  JavaEOInterface.framework
>  JavaEOInterfaceCocoa.framework
>  JavaEOInterfaceSwing.framework
>  JavaEOProject.framework
>  JavaEORuleSystem.framework
>  JavaEOTool.framework
>  JavaFoundation.framework
>  JavaJDBCAdaptor.framework
>  JavaJNDIAdaptor.framework
>  JavaWOExtensions.framework
>  JavaWOJSPServlet.framework
>  JavaWebObjects.framework
>  JavaWebServicesClient.framework
>  JavaWebServicesGeneration.framework
>  JavaWebServicesSupport.framework
>  JavaXML.framework
> ** I then use the following two scripts to be able to switch between using
> 5.3 and 5.4 system wide:
> bash-3.2# cat wo53
> for framework in `ls
> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebObjects53`; do rm
> /System/Library/Frameworks/$framework; ln -sf
> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebObjects53/$framework
> /System/Library/Frameworks/$framework; done
> bash-3.2# cat wo54
> for framework in `ls
> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebObjects54`; do rm
> /System/Library/Frameworks/$framework; ln -sf
> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebObjects54/$framework
> /System/Library/Frameworks/$framework; done
> ** At this point, you should have NO WO frameworks in
> /System/Library/Frameworks -- they should be in subfolders.
> ** Now go ahead and run wo53, which should now give you WO 5.3 framework
> symlinks
> * Install Eclipse (yes that's an extra .1) which fixes the permgen
> space bug from 3.3.1
> * Install WOLips from the nightly
> (http://webobjects.mdimension.com/wolips/nightly) build
> server
> * You may need to do a clean build of your projects in Eclipse -- If things
> are setup properly, you should not get any Java errors you didn't already
> have.
> I believe that's all I did ... Hopefully we can get you a 5.4 build of
> Wonder soon, but in the meantime this should get you back in 5.3 business
> until we do.

Loved these instructions. I may just go ahead and move one of our
servers to 10.5 along with this (already worked great on my laptop)
just so I can keep WO 5.3 _and_ get the benefits of TimeMachine for
backing up my databases.

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