What I would love to see is a "simple" download and install package
for WO developers.
The biggest issue with this is that someone has to host the extra 100+
meg installer for a bunch of leeches to download :)  But anyone could
technically make a preinstalled bundle.


Well pal you are obviously part of the problem. Any WO app that hits the commercial market is a win for you. And to refer to Novices as leeches is quite distasteful. So you are some high powered developer who has no time for others trying to bring forth projects. Well sobeit - we leeches will probably come up with the commercial apps that will succeed. But at least I have ruled out one person to consider as a partner or a contracted developer!! But you opinion is appreciated as we leeches try to move forward.
Seriously, Ken, are you kidding me? I can't even believe I'm about to respond to this.

Everything below is my own opinion and not that of my employer blah blah blah.

First and most importantly, there's a _fairly crucial_ ":)" at the end of that sentence -- clearly I meant that as a joke. Secondly, that you're accusing me of being "part of the problem" really is the most insulting thing I've ever heard, and I really REALLY don't get offended easily. The rest of this is going to come off sounding self- congratulatory, and I'm really not like that, and it's not why I do the things I do, so bear with me everyone else for a moment and then we can pretend this email never happened.

My company has donated a running tally of more than $75,000 worth of COMPLETELY free development time to this community. We have donated MANY hundreds of gigabytes of free bandwidth and hosting to provide nightly build servers for WOLips, Project Wonder, and maven repositories. And more importantly I have given up I don't even KNOW how many hundreds of hours of my personal life that I could be doing any number of other things with to try to make it a little better for the WO community. Do you know what I was doing this weekend? I wasn't playing with my son, I was instead stressing out about getting all the open source frameworks and applications 5.4 ready, and working through a list of procedures to try and help people migrate to Leopard with as few bumps as possible. I actually DO have both a life and real work outside of all of this. All those times I'm responding to emails and building new features in WOLips is time that comes from somewhere -- it means I'm pushing off my life or real work that I have to do later. The first release of Entity Modeler was written in 5 weeks of 100% personal time when I found out that EOModeler was likely going to be killed. In fact, it's currently 2am and I just happened to have switched over to Mail from my Eclipse where I was working on building an early SWT release to work around a crashing bug that you new people might run into in Eclipse 3.3.1, but I really wanted to get it built so new users (that i apparently despise so much) don't have to get pissed off by crashes and have to wait until 3.3.2 comes out. Honestly -- am I really defending myself here?

So I apologize that the humor of my offhand snarky comment was CLEARLY lost on you, but I recommend that you maybe peruse this mailing list for more than a couple minutes before you make comments like this, because it makes you look pretty foolish. And the irony of this situation is that when Jeremy finishes packaging up a WOLips installer, we WILL host the damn thing on our build server.

Wow ... Just ... wow.


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