Hi Stephane,

the trouble with Flash is that's a proprietary format : http:// codemoiunmouton.wordpress.com/2009/04/24/le-top-10-des-critiques-sur- flash/
Yes, you needs a Plugins, if you decide to stay in the browser, or a runtime if you wants develop Desktop Apps for Windows, Mac and Linux : http://timesreader.nytimes.com/timesreader/index.html Flex is opensource, LCDS is expensive and not opensource, but you have BlazeDS an opensource subset, AMF specification are public ...

There's other alternatives : http://codemoiunmouton.wordpress.com/ 2009/07/01/flex-ou-silverlight/

        Athena :  http://www.baao.com/Video/Athena

        Goods news, you can develop with your Mac and Eclipse ....


PS : to wait until other alternatives emerge having fun time : http://codemoiunmouton.wordpress.com/2009/07/03/realite-augmentee-et- flash/

Le 10 oct. 09 à 07:30, Stephane Guyot a écrit :

        Interesting thread ....

        today I don't believe the challenge is on the server anymore.

        Speaking for myself , less time I spent on the server, better I am.
Actually I've choose Flex, I don't wants spent more time with Javascript, did you have serious JS Debugger, did you have serious JS Profiler ? Flex is server side agnostic, puts whatever you want on the server : Python, Rails, Php, Java ....

It would be nice to be able to use WO on the server but only Apple will decide ....
        It would be nice to be able to use Flex/Flash on iPhone but .....

How to build Rich Application without writing any line of code on the server ? The world is moving : http://coenraets.org/blog/2009/10/my-max- session-video-posted-model-driven-development-with-flex-4-and-lcds3/


PS : Perhaps Apple should buy Adobe .... :-)

Le 10 oct. 09 à 02:22, Lachlan Deck a écrit :

On 10/10/2009, at 10:28 AM, Ravi Mendis wrote:

On Friday, October 09, 2009, at 07:11PM, Joe Little <jmlit...@gmail.com> wrote:
LiftWeb is painful to the eyes. Scala is great, LiftWeb just won't
gain traction with my brain.

I couldn't agree more:
I love Scala, but it's a shame about Lift...

If you're looking for alternatives or just something new, try Scala with WebObjects instead.

This should get you started:
http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/display/WO/WebObjects+with +Scala

IMHO Scala is to Java what Objective-C was to C.
My first impressions of Scala is akin to what i felt about Objective-C when i first discovered it 15 yrs ago...


For most developers i suspect that a sore-point of using WebObjects nowadays is...Java. So maybe you need to look at Java-alternatives not WO- alternatives :)

Yeah, Java is certainly one point of consideration for its lack of dynamism. Certainly utilising Groovy or Scala could help here.

But honestly I believe the major sore point (if there be one amongst the surveys) is the waiting for news about 5.5 and/or 5.6's arrival (which is all probably under NDA for you guys who were at WOWODC) ... and for that matter Giandiua ;).

with regards,

Lachlan Deck

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