Well,  the issue I have in general is that the market seems to have adopted a MySQL or commercial mindset.  MySQL is, to put it mildly, a trap. Skipping over the license issues, and going straight to the real stuff, MySQL has been shown repeatedly to have very real and finite limits on growth and scalability.  Google, twitter, facebook, etc have all built foundations on MySQL only to hit walls, and implement obscenely expensive workarounds.

The problem is that the alternatives do not cater to the web dev platform, and they lose in the "startup" phases despite long term advantages.  LAMP has become a liability.  Too many people assume with knowing, and it is killing techs like WO.

It gets worse when you mix in python and coredata/sqllite.  Ever used apple's teams wiki server.  Uggh, what a mess. It will come full circle.  I still have a coup,e WO projects but most of my new work is objective c or c++ cgi implementation.  It is fast, scalable, portable, and I do not have to deal with 10 layers of stack to make things work.

I love WO, I hate the scripting environments, and .net is an equal disaster to LAMP.  Basically, the web toolkits have gotten worse, not better.

-- Sent from my HP TouchPad

On Jul 25, 2011 11:51 PM, Chuck Hill <ch...@global-village.net> wrote:
FrontBase is pretty quiet these days too, though the dev list does see some traffic and there are new releases. Marketing a proprietary SQL database these days is swimming upstream, you can't expect wide success. FrontBase fills a niche market, of which WO is probably less and less every year. As long as their goal is to target their niche (and they do so well), they will keep going. Neither FrontBase or OpenBase are ever going to replace MySQL.

On 2011-07-25, at 8:45 PM, Tim Worman wrote:

> Now that right there IS funny. But if no one were on the list to see that and laugh, then I'd have to develop in something other than WO. :-)
> Tim Worman
> On Jul 25, 2011, at 8:36 PM, John Huss wrote:
>> I don't know what I would do if I was using some proprietary technology that hadn't been updated in years, with almost no communication from the company in charge of it! What is that like? ;-)
>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Tim Worman <li...@thetimmy.com> wrote:
>> Openbase has been a great product from day one. And integrating it with WO definitely is seamless. I'm a fan. But the developer list has fallen completely silent and it used to be vibrant. The product hasn't had any public updates since 2009 - I don't think it is because there is nothing to do.
>> I'm in no hurry at all to move my server but I do have to develop against something and that can't be Openbase if I'm running Lion. The tweet indicating that a beta has been "released" is one of only two from the company since Feb 2010.
>> Tim Worman
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