On 22 Feb 2019, at 7:46 pm, getsh...@gmail.com wrote:

> I’m very interested in, what to me are, the dark Maven arts.
> It’s such a deviation from how it all works for me now with ant and Fluffy 
> Bunny - from dev env all the way through CI and deployment artifacts. eg how 
> do I go about having my Wonder framework dependencies as open projects in my 
> workspace so the source code is as available as my application’s source?

In almost the same way as you do now, but with a caveat. Maven, as you might 
expect, is very particular about versioning. So if you have a Wonder framework 
as a project in your workspace, its version will need to match the version your 
app is dependent on. For example, if your app is dependent on 7.0, but you've 
got Wonder's HEAD checked out, then the framework is going to claim to be 
7.1-SNAPSHOT, which isn't a match, so you won't get handy features like 
command-clicking through to Wonder source, because it will be using the 7.0 JAR 
in your Maven repository. One solution would be to check out the "wonder-7.0" 
tag which should have the version you need in this example.

> Can my private repository just be a path on my jenkins http server? (there’s 
> probably an app/plugin for that).

I don't know the answer to that specific question. But you can pretty easily 
set up something like JFrog Artifactory. Jenkins would then use your 
Artifactory instance to get artifacts it needs during build (and Artifactory 
would ask the WOCommunity repository for the non-public artifacts it needs), 
and then push your built app bundle back up to Artifactory when it's done. It 
turns out to be nice to be able to treat Jenkins just as a build server, and 
offload your artifact management to a specialised repository.

> I should go away and work through some Maven primers and come back with 
> specific questions in their own thread, but +1 from me with gratitude for 
> more insight from Hugi, Paul and the rest of the WO Maven brains trust.

Start here:


I would recommend the following variations to those steps:

0. —
1. Definitely just download from Apache and install manually, then get 'mvn' on 
your path.
2. The advice there seems reasonable. It will get you started, and later you'll 
point Maven to your own Artifactory repo instead.
3. Skip this step: it's not required.
4. You can do this via the command line, or by selecting the erxapplication 
with the Eclipse wizard.
5. Obviously skip this if you've created your new project in Eclipse.
6. This is how it's done, though later you'll get Jenkins to do it for you.

Give it a try. Let us know how you go.

Paul Hoadley

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