On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 17:37, Ian Bicking wrote:
> Just a quick thought -- it might be easier to put this into the
> AppServer script, and say if Launch.py exits with a certain error code
> it will restart the AppServer (instead of just exiting).  Then the
> process fully exits, and all files will be cleaned up by the OS.  I'm
> pretty sure AppServer.bat could do this too (somehow... despite the
> lameness of batch programming).

This idea occurred to me, too.  The only drawback to this is that the
PID change would change all the time, but maybe that's not a problem.

I'll persist a little more (with closing the file descriptors prior to
exec()) and see if I can get it to work.  If not, we can go the
AppServer scripting route.

Jason D. Hildebrand

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