> I will revert to the previous server, then try to reproduce the problem.
> I hope the session incompatibility will not show up again...

Yes, you should check the new version on the old server and the old 
version on the new server to see whether it is an issue of the server or 
or Webware. I have 0.9.4 in production running on two servers for some 
time now, and haven't met any problems.

Concerning the sessions, this may have to do with the more secure 
default cookie path for Webware. It will be probably using '/wk' now, 
while you had been using '/'. If you still experience problems with the 
cookies, you can set a fixed cookie path in 0.9.4, setting 
'SessionCookiePath'. But the default setting should work fine normally.

If your servers have different Python versions, check that the server 
has write access to create new .pyc files or recompile these.

Please note that I will be offline for 3 weeks and cannot help with 
Webware during that time...

-- Chris

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