For un unknow reason I haven't receive the answer from Chris .. 
So this is a cut/paste from the mail archive. 

>> After some tweaks in the webware context config, all is working 
>> quite fine. (migration was easy :) .. but the session doesn't work
>> any more. And even worst I try to do some debuging, and find that
>> trans.request()._environ['HTTP_COOKIE'], contains some cookies but
>> not the SID one, beside this cookie is present on the browser side. 
>> Hum, just wordering if I missed something ?? 

> Probably, since this is working well for me. ;-)
> Some things that you can check:

> * Did you create a new working dir with MakeAppWorkDir and merged
   your project there or did you take the old one?

I used MakeAppWorkDir, and merged with my project. 

> * If you create an empty (default) working dir, does it work?

It should work (as my app is running), I only have some issues 
with Session (all other is working fine) 

> * Have you set
>    UseAutomaticPathSessions = False
     UseCookieSessions = True

Here is my conf: 

# The session ID can be prefixed with "hostname" or any other string:
SessionPrefix = None # no prefix to session ID
IgnoreInvalidSession = True
UseAutomaticPathSessions = False
UseCookieSessions = True

> * Are you using mod_rewrite?

mod_rewrite + mod_wekit2 

I used a URLDispatcher too.. but I don't think the issue is here .. 

<VirtualHost *:80>

DocumentRoot /var/www/

<Location /wk>
 WKServer localhost 8087
 SetHandler webkit-handler

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)/archives/(.*).html$ $1/Article?id=$2 [QSA]

RewriteRule ^/static/(.*) /var/www/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^/(.*) /wk/blog/$1 [L,PT]

Thanks for any help 

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