OK, status report on my "lockout" with weewx and my FOUSB station.

I moved 2 webcams from the RPi running weewx onto a different machine (another 
RPi, I have quite a few).

Result? No weewx lockouts for nearly 10 days. I'm not sure if this passes the 
"5 sigma" test, but it's certainly a record uptime.

Still a few puzzlements - on the previous setup, it was always weewx (well 
Python I suppose) that "failed", the webcams (run with mjpg-streamer) were 
always rock-solid. On the new setup, the RPi which now has the "moved" webcams 
is quite busy - it runs the 2 new cameras, plus an RPi camera (all driven with 
mjpg-streamer) and also icecast2+darkice (monitoring bird tweets, etc.) - CPU 
utilisation is around 35%.  This machine never fails.

The previous RPi is now chuffing along at <1% 

Anyway, thanks again for the advice and comments ...

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