As far as I read about this HP1000 driver it connect to weather station.
But my weather station is at home and server is on other location. I 
thought weather station sends data to my server where weewx is installed 
and this shows up on my weewx web pages.

Dne ponedeljek, 11. september 2017 09.01.18 UTC+2 je oseba Damjan Hajsek 
> I checked log and it is full of this
> weewx[26283]: HP1000: Timed out too many times
> Sep 11 08:28:10 webserver weewx[26279]: engine: Initializing weewx version 
> 3.7.1
> Sep 11 08:28:10 webserver weewx[26279]: engine: Using Python 2.7.5 (default, 
> Nov  6 2016, 00:28:07) #012[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)]
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26279]: engine: Platform 
> Linux-3.10.0-514.26.1.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-7.3.1611-Core
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26279]: engine: Locale is 'sl_SI.UTF-8'
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26279]: engine: pid file is /var/run/
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: engine: Using configuration file 
> /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx: Starting weewx: [  V redu  ]
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: engine: Loading station type HP1000 
> (user.HP1000)
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: HP1000 Starting
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver systemd: Started SYSV: start and stop the weewx 
> weather system.
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Using "netifaces" to 
> determine broadcast mask
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Address Mask = XXX.XXX.255.255
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Retry count = 5.000000
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Socket timeout = 5.000000
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Loop delay = 15.000000
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Retry Wait = 5.000000
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Max Retry = 3.000000
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x1
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: wxcalculate: The following values 
> will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
> dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, rainRate=prefer_hardware, 
> windrun=prefer_hardware, heatindex=prefer_hardware, 
> maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, humidex=prefer_hardware, 
> pressure=prefer_hardware, inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, 
> altimeter=prefer_hardware, cloudbase=prefer_hardware
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: wxcalculate: The following algorithms 
> will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: engine: Archive will use data binding 
> wx_binding
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: engine: Record generation will be 
> attempted in 'software'
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: engine: Using archive interval of 300 
> seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to 
> database 'weewx.sdb'
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: manager: Starting backfill of daily 
> summaries
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: restx: StationRegistry: Registration 
> not requested.
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: restx: Wunderground: Posting not 
> enabled.
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: restx: PWSweather: Posting not 
> enabled.
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: restx: CWOP: Posting not enabled.
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
> Sep 11 08:28:11 webserver weewx[26283]: engine: Starting up weewx version 
> 3.7.1
> Sep 11 08:28:36 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Timed out too many times
> Sep 11 08:29:01 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Timed out too many times
> Sep 11 08:29:26 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Timed out too many times
> Sep 11 08:29:51 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Timed out too many times
> Sep 11 08:32:21 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Timed out too many times
> Sep 11 08:32:46 webserver weewx[26283]: HP1000: Timed out too many times
> Dne nedelja, 10. september 2017 23.44.27 UTC+2 je oseba mwall napisala:
>> m

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