Sigh, pushed Post too quickly. The correct suggested change to your 

There's also some problems with that if block. Try changing dataString to a 
> message that wxMesh can parse, for example 
>    if((temp > -20) && (temp <110))
>    {
>      char temperatureStr[6];
>      dtostrf(temp, 4, 2, temperatureStr); // ESP8266 does not convert 
> doubles to Strings
>      dataString = String("INTE:") + temperatureStr;
>      dataString.toCharArray(charBuf, 150);
>      client.publish(topic,charBuf );
>      Serial.print("Published: "); Serial.println(charBuf);
>    }

On Friday, 6 April 2018 13:27:31 UTC-3, Ralph Underwood wrote:
> One station uses a Ultimeter 2100 driver -* can I use WeeWxMQTT as a 
> service*?

Not yet. There is a discussion about this in the development group.

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