Doh! Your system time is right there in front of me:

> Apr 11 08:03:22 mapleleaf weewx[4079]: wxMesh: key: TIME value: 
> 1523459002        
According to epochconverter:
Conversion results (1523459002)
1523459002 converts to Wednesday April 11, 2018 08:03:22 (am) in time zone 
The offset (difference to Greenwich Time/GMT) is -07:00 or in seconds 

So there is no problem with time.

Line 308 in is failing:
    299     def calc_maxSolarRad(self, data, data_type):  # @UnusedVariable
    300         algo = self.algorithms.get('maxSolarRad', 'RS')
    301         if algo == 'Bras':
    302             data['maxSolarRad'] = weewx.wxformulas.solar_rad_Bras(
    303                 self.latitude, self.longitude, self.altitude_m,
    304                 data['dateTime'], self.nfac)
    305         else:
    306             data['maxSolarRad'] = weewx.wxformulas.solar_rad_RS(
    307                 self.latitude, self.longitude, self.altitude_m,
    308                 data['dateTime'], self.atc)

presumably because dateTime is a bad value, or has not been set. I'm not 
sure where dateTime is calculated. It most certainly is done after wxMesh 
finishes with genLoopPackets. It looks like you have started a discussion 
on that in the development group.

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