sudo apt-get install nginx

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start

NGINX defaults its web page location to /var/www/html on Raspbian so if you 
want to change that you need to edit


and edit the line 

root /var/www/html/;


root /var/www/html/weewx/;

After that you should be able to point a browser at the IP address of the 
Pi (hostname -I on the Pi if you want to know its IP address)

As for remote website, auto FTP upload is built into weewx. Edit the FTP 
section in weewx.conf it's faily self explanatory. There is a basic default 
template included - you don't have to do anything it just works.



On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 15:15:42 UTC, Robbie Lister wrote:
> I have been running a Davis Vantage Pro weather station for a few years 
> now using Weather Display which uploaded to my sons server which has 
> Weather Display Live on it.  I have been having problems with the whole 
> Weather Display setup and thought I would take the Raspberry Pi and WeeWx 
> route. So far I have installed Raspbian Lite onto an RPi3B headless and 
> also the WeeWX software. It seems to be running as I can see files produced 
> in the /var/www/html/weewx/ Directory and they seem to be updating. I 
> would like to have a local network display of the station similar to the 
> Weather Display one and I presume I will need a web server for that like 
> Apache. Is that the best one to install? I want to keep the RPi headless if 
> I can. So the next bit is how to display on a remote website again similar 
> to Weather Display Live. Do I use the same FTP method. And more crucially 
> are there any templates available for creating a website. Would I need to 
> upload the whole html/weewx folder every minute or so. Any help is much 
> appreciated.

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