Much appreciated Andrew. I hadn't realised there was a wiki. After a bit 
more digging your suggestion of slowing down and reading a lot more makes a 
great deal of sense. I did find how to change the interval the Vantage 
updates to 5 minutes. Time for a lot more reading I think.

On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 18:57:05 UTC, Andrew Milner wrote:
> weewx, out of the box, is not designed for real time displays - it is 
> designed to store archive records at say 5 minute intervals.
> the utilities manual tells you how to run the utilities like wee_device
> there are skins and extensions which can aid real time displays - read the 
> wiki
> the best thing is to slow down, and read and understand ALL the 
> documentation weewx supplies
> and understand weewx out of the box before attempting to play with any of 
> ther extensions
> On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 20:27:53 UTC+2, Robbie Lister wrote:
>> Thank's for the info on skins, I will have a look at them when I get 
>> things working properly on the default one. 
>> I have got the local web server working but it seems to be updating every 
>> 30 mins!!  From what I can gather this is set by the Vantage Pro 2 and 
>> there is a utility called wee_config_vantage somewhere that is used to 
>> set a more realistic time. I believe this is the archive time? Where is 
>> this utility and how do I run/use it. Whats bothering me is if I set 
>> this update time to say 1 min so that I can see the live data locally that 
>> the ftp to a website will be at the same update rate which is far too 
>> often. As far as I can see there is no simple way to update the local web 
>> server at 1 min interval and ftp every 5 or 10 mins. Also if I do manage to 
>> set this to 1 min locally will this hammer to death the SD card in the 
>> Raspberry Pi.
>> On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 17:56:01 UTC, Philip Kutzenco wrote:
>>> There are lots of terrific skins. The Standard one is a great one to 
>>> start with.Then you can look around and see if there is another you'd 
>>> prefer. Many like SteelSeries Gauges. I am personally fond of the 
>>> Belchertown skin, developed by Pat O'Brien. It is available here: 
>>> My website using 
>>> it is <>
>>> I'm sure you'll enjoy weewx!
>>> phil
>>> On Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 11:24:26 AM UTC-5, Robbie Lister wrote:
>>>> Thank's Gary I will give that a go. By the sounds of things the built 
>>>> in default template will be a god starting point.
>>>> On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 15:40:39 UTC, Gary Hopkins wrote:
>>>>> sudo apt-get install nginx
>>>>> sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
>>>>> NGINX defaults its web page location to /var/www/html on Raspbian so if 
>>>>> you want to change that you need to edit
>>>>> /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
>>>>> and edit the line 
>>>>> root /var/www/html/;
>>>>> to
>>>>> root /var/www/html/weewx/;
>>>>> After that you should be able to point a browser at the IP address of 
>>>>> the Pi (hostname -I on the Pi if you want to know its IP address)
>>>>> As for remote website, auto FTP upload is built into weewx. Edit the 
>>>>> FTP section in weewx.conf it's faily self explanatory. There is a basic 
>>>>> default template included - you don't have to do anything it just works.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> G

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