Thanks for the performance and power metrics, Vince. Precisely the kind of 
information for which I was looking.

I have 3.9.2 running the simulator on a 4GB Pi 4 as well.  It's sitting 
around 45-46 C with a little fan, and I'm using a powered USB for now to 
handle the keyboard and mouse, etc. I wanted to use the Flirc cases, and 
I'd be interested to hear if you can cut a cable slot (with a Dremel tool 
or the like.)  I want to use the Pi 4 with a camera to take a photo of my 
yard every 5 minutes, and I stared at the pictures of Flirc cases for some 
time. There seems to be no way to get a cable from the plug to outside the 
case.  I like the idea of passive cooling, hence the Flirc stands out.  Are 
there any hidden "braces," screw holes, etc. that might be a problem if one 
were to cut a small cable slot?  I currently have a Pi 3+ taking the 
photos, and transferring them to a standard PC running weewx under CentOS.  
It's a "Rube Goldberg" software and hardware combination, and I think it'd 
be easy to have the Pi 4 do everything.  Simple is always better.

I have to get a second Davis logger/USB cable to test this with another 
console I've got so I can do a side by side comparison of my existing setup 
with Pi 4.  The end game is to run this all headless except for the powered 
USB hub.  I'll stick a USB 3.0 SSD on the hub to store my database on, as 
well as the photos, to reduce hammering at the SD card. I think I can do 
this and keep the temperature well under 50 C with a Flirc case if I can 
get the camera cable through it somehow.  The Pi 4 throttles around 80 C, 
so we shouldn't have any trouble with that.  Still, I like to keep 
electronics running as cool as possible, hence the USB hub idea.

Anyhow, to keep this forum "weewx software support" oriented, I can report 
that weewx 3.9.2 runs like a charm on a Pi 4!

- Paul VE1DX

On Sunday, August 18, 2019 at 2:19:56 PM UTC-3, vince wrote:
> Some totally unscientific numbers - got my 4GB RAM pi4 and compared it 
> with a pi3 - both using wifi running weewx 3.9.2 in simulator mode, and 
> both in Flirc cases.  Weewx was in debug mode with pyephem installed via 
> pip.   Both systems have identical newly flashed A1 SD cards.   The pi4 
> uses a CanaKit pi4 power adaptor, the pi3 uses an old Aukey one I had 
> sitting around.
> Temperatures:
>    - ambient = 21 C
>    - pi3 = 37 C
>    - pi4 = 44 C    (it ran about 6 C or more hotter outside the case)
> Speed to do weewx things - initial run of Seasons report:
>    - pi3 = 6.58 seconds to generate 57 images, 3.62 seconds to generate 8 
>    files
>    - pi4 = 3.44 seconds to generate 57 images, 1.66 seconds to generate 8 
>    files
> And the next run of the Seasons report
>    - pi3 = 4.45 seconds to generate 42 images, 1.26 seconds to generate 8 
>    files
>    - pi4 = 2.28 seconds to generate 42 images, 0.68 seconds to generate 8 
>    files
> And the next run after that
>    - pi3 = 1.00 seconds to generate 14 images, 1.26 seconds to generate 8 
>    files
>    - pi4 = 0.65 seconds to generate 14 images, 0.65 seconds to generate 8 
>    files
> So the pi4 is definitely faster, nominally twice as fast or so for running 
> the Seasons skin.   Might be worth thinking about if you're a heavy user of 
> your existing pi.
> Power draw comparisons:
>    - pi3 = 1.6 W
>    - pi4 = 3.1 W   <= with great compute goes great power requirements :-)
> I also tried a couple SSD disks via USB3 enclosures.  One a laptop SSD 
> drive, one a M2 SSD drive from a NUC.  Both worked great.   Both increase 
> the power needed by about 1.5 W according to a Kill-a-watt.

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