
As you have found adding hailRate to [StdWXCalculate] [[Calculations]] does 
nothing as StdWXCalculate does not know how to calculate hailRate. It was 
not specifically raised to address this issue but issue #491 
<https://github.com/weewx/weewx/issues/491>, if it continues down the path 
it is presently on, will likely see StdWXCalculate evolve such that the 
user will be able to define their own rate based derived observations (just 
like rainRate) via a few config lines in weewx.conf. If you can hang on 
until (hopefully) the next WeeWX point release you should see this feature 
added (provided I can get it past Tom and provided the next point release 
does not come out too soon :) ). Since your hailRate observation would be a 
derived one, and given that wee_database now has the ability to backfill 
derived observations, the delay should not see you miss any data.

If you really do want to implement your derived hailRate now you would need 
to modify the current StdWXCalculate behaviour or write a separate service 
to calculate hailRate.


On Friday, 26 June 2020 05:04:21 UTC+10, Christian Peters wrote:
> Hi, 
> I read form a second rain gauge via filpile rain values/data into the data 
> base value 'hail', as there is no second rain1, rain2...
> As it is in the same group as rain all should be fine. 
> It works if I query 
> $day.hail.sum
> it works.
> But if I query 
> $current.hailRate
> I got N/A. It's not provided by the gauge an I think i has to be 
> calculated by software.
> I tried that to get the hailRate:
> [StdWXCalculate]
>     [[Calculations]]
>         # How to calculate derived quantities.  Possible values are:
>         #  hardware        - use the value provided by hardware
>         #  software        - use the value calculated by weewx
>         #  prefer_hardware - use value provide by hardware if available,
>         #                      otherwise use value calculated by weewx
>         ....
>         hailRate = software
> but it seems not implemented!? Any chance to get the calculation of 
> rainRate (hailRate) for my second gauge by software calculation working!? 
> Thanks in advance.
> Christian 

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