Hi John, I'm on the mountain, there was more. Can you please keep an eye 
on the two files?

jo...@johnkline.com schrieb am Freitag, 10. Juli 2020 um 16:05:18 UTC+2:

> You need to add the fields:
> barometerRate
> FMT_windDir
> to the fields line in the LoopData section of weewx.conf.
> After you do that and restart WeeWX, verify that you see these readings in 
> loop-data.txt.
> Finally, you need to set these values in the JavaScript.
> If you have already done all of the above, perhaps you have a JavaScript 
> error.  Have a look in the JavaScript console in your browser (note: it may 
> be called something else, search for how to see JavaScript errors).
> BTW, this weekend, I should have a version of LoopData out that uses the 
> same naming scheme as cheetah.  As such, you will then specify 
> $current.windSpeed, $current.windDir.ordinal_compass and $current.windDir 
> (for example) in the fields line in weewx.conf and those keys will show up 
> in loop-data.txt.  There was no good reason to invent a new language for 
> this. 
> On Jul 10, 2020, at 1:54 AM, geni08...@gmail.com <geni08...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> what do I have to change so that the two values (in the yellow circle) are 
> always displayed? Now they only flash briefly during a manual refresh.
> <loop2.jpg>
> in index.html.templ:
>  <td id="windSpeedAndBearing" 
> style="font-family:monospace;font-size:85px;text-align:center;">$current.windSpeed
> $current.windDir.ordinal_compass ($current.windDir)</td>
> <span id="FMT_barometer">$current.barometer 
> ($trend.barometer.formatted)</span><span>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</span><span 
> id="FMT_outHumidity">$current.outHumidity</span>
> jo...@johnkline.com schrieb am Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2020 um 15:40:48 UTC+2:
>> On Jul 9, 2020, at 1:52 AM, geni08...@gmail.com <geni08...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Question for my understanding:
>> If or why is the id = string supplemented with $current, $day or not at 
>> all?
>> <loop1.jpg>
>> In the examples, no IDs is supplemented with current, day or none at all. 
>>  Some values say $current, which means the current observation.  Some say 
>> day, which would be for the day and have an aggregator ($day.rain.sum).  In 
>> any event, all of these values are overwritten every couple of seconds by 
>> the javascript.  As such, they could be removed.
>> As for the ids.  They could be anything you wish.  They just are used by 
>> the JavaScript to look up the element.  As a naming scheme for ids, I chose 
>> to to name them for the corresponding key in loop-data.txt.
>> For example, FMT_HI_windGust.  The JavaScript will get lookup the element 
>> with the id FMT_HI_windGust.  It will then lookup the value in 
>> loop-data.txt for the key FMT_HI_windGust and set the contents of the HTML 
>> tag (innerHTML property) to that value.
>> If the id was foo on this element, the JavaScript would have to find the 
>> foo element in the DOM.  Of course, it will still need to use the key 
>> FMT_HI_windGust for looking up the loop-data value.
>> As for the naming scheme in loop-data.txt:
>> FMT_HI_windGust
>> The FMT_ means include the label.
>> The HI_ means give me today’s high.
>> FMT_windGust would be for the current observation and would include the 
>> label.
>> windGust would be for the current observation. It would NOT include a 
>> label, but it would still be formatted.  That is, if wind should have 1 
>> decimal place, it be formatted as such (e.g., 4.0).
>> The README has this info, but to summarize:
>> If the key is missing an aggregator (HI, LO, AVG, WAVG, SUM, RMS, 
>> VEC_AVG, VEC_DIR), it is the current observation.  If it has an aggregator 
>> prefix, it is for the day.  Exceptions are the items I made up 10mMaxGust 
>> (which is 10 minutes) and barometerRate (which is a delta from 3 hours ago) 
>> and windRose.
>> FMT_ includes the label.
>> UNITS_ is the unit for the observation.
>> LABEL_ is the label for the observation.
>> COMPASS_ for windDIr and windGustDir gives compass (text) direction.
>> DESC_ for barometer rate gives a text description of the rate (and 
>> probably needs to be internationalized).
>> T_ is the time of the observation.  For example, T_HI_<obs> would be the 
>> time today that the high was reached for the observation.
>> Just to mention the other things you pointed to:
>> FMT_SUM_rain is today’s rain with a label.  The FMT_ gives the label. 
>>  Since SUM_ is an aggregator, it is for today.
>> FMT_rainRate is the current rate of rain (since it is missing an 
>> aggregator) and it includes a label (FMT_).  FMT_HI_rainRate would be 
>> today’s high rainRate.  FMT_T_HI_rainRate would be the formatted time when 
>> today’s high rain rate happened.
>> Note that the packet time presented in WeatherBoard is not formatted.  It 
>> uses rainRate.  That time is then localized with toLocaleTimeString in 
>> JavaScript.  In that way, the time presented is local time for the viewer 
>> of the web page.
>> jo...@johnkline.com schrieb am Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2020 um 20:35:22 UTC+2:
>>> On Jul 8, 2020, at 1:36 AM, geni08...@gmail.com <geni08...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>  weewx-weatherboard 1.3a the label entries are implemented.
>>> What is the easiest way now
>>> Indoor temperature
>>> barometer
>>> Indoor and outdoor humidity
>>> to show signs on the display?
>>> To get these readings in loop-data.txt, add the following to the end of 
>>> the fields line in the LoopData section of weewx.conf:
>>>     , FMT_inTemp, FMT_barometer, FMT_inHumidity, FMT_outHumidity
>>> As for adding them to a skin, it would be helpful to know your end goal 
>>> and your familiarity with the technologies.
>>> WeatherBoard is designed for display on a tablet sitting on a bookshelf 
>>> or hanging on a wall.  It’s meant to be viewed from across the room. 
>>>  That’s why there’s a small amount of data in large fonts and why I chose 
>>> the color scheme.
>>> Are you trying to have something that looks like WeatherBoard but just 
>>> these four extra items on it?  Will you want more after you add these four? 
>>>  Extra items will mean smaller fonts.  How will this skin be viewed?  I’m 
>>> assuming you are not looking for the across the room viewing that I 
>>> targeted with this skin.
>>> Are you looking to write an entirely new skin?
>>> Are you looking to add “update on every loop” capabilities to another 
>>> skin that you like?
>>> How comfortable are you working with html, css and JavaScript?
>>> Cheers,
>>> John
>>> jo...@johnkline.com schrieb am Dienstag, 7. Juli 2020 um 20:10:24 UTC+2:
>>>> Most of the WeatherBoard will now use the strings in Defaults, so you 
>>>> should see it in German after you install.  For the custom strings, just 
>>>> update the strings in the WeatherBoard>Labels>Generic section of 
>>>> weewx.conf.
>>>> On Jul 7, 2020, at 6:47 AM, John Kline <jo...@johnkline.com> wrote:
>>>> I’ve created a branch of WeatherBoard that substitutes appTemp for 
>>>> dewpoint.
>>>> It is here:
>>>> https://github.com/chaunceygardiner/weewx-weatherboard/tree/appTemp
>>>> On Jul 7, 2020, at 12:09 AM, John Kline <jo...@johnkline.com> wrote:
>>>> There was a subtle difference in how I was creating the next day 
>>>> accumulator vs. how WeeWX proper is doing it.  I’ve changed that.  Please 
>>>> install 1.3.15 and let me know how it goes at midnight.
>>>> On Jul 6, 2020, at 10:44 PM, geni08...@gmail.com <geni08...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Jul  7 00:00:01 Wetter-Raspi rsyslogd:  [origin software="rsyslogd" 
>>>> swVersion="8.1901.0" x-pid="295" x-info="https://www.rsyslog.com";] 
>>>> rsyslogd was HUPed
>>>> Jul  7 00:00:01 Wetter-Raspi systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Succeeded.
>>>> Jul  7 00:00:01 Wetter-Raspi systemd[1]: Started Rotate log files.
>>>> Jul  7 00:00:02 Wetter-Raspi systemd[1]: man-db.service: Succeeded.
>>>> Jul  7 00:00:02 Wetter-Raspi systemd[1]: Started Daily man-db 
>>>> regeneration.
>>>> Jul  7 00:00:15 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] INFO weewx.manager: Added 
>>>> record 2020-07-07 00:00:00 CEST (1594072800) to database 'weewx'
>>>> Jul  7 00:00:15 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] INFO weewx.manager: Added 
>>>> record 2020-07-07 00:00:00 CEST (1594072800) to daily summary in 'weewx'
>>>> geni08...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 7. Juli 2020 um 07:39:52 
>>>> UTC+2:
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****  Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/user/loopdata.py", line 365, in 
>>>>> process_queue
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****      self.day_accum.addRecord(pkt)
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/accum.py", line 423, in addRecord
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****      % (record['dateTime'], self.timespan))
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****  weewx.accum.OutOfSpan: Attempt to add out-of-interval record 
>>>>> (1594072801) to timespan ([2020-07-06 00:00:00 CEST (1593986400) -> 
>>>>> 2020-07-07 00:00:00 CEST (1594072800)])
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****  
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****  During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****  
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****  Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/user/loopdata.py", line 370, in 
>>>>> process_queue
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****      self.day_accum.addRecord(pkt)
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/accum.py", line 423, in addRecord
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****      % (record['dateTime'], self.timespan))
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi weewx[18476] CRITICAL user.loopdata:     
>>>>> ****  weewx.accum.OutOfSpan: Attempt to add out-of-interval record 
>>>>> (1594072801) to timespan ([2020-07-06 00:00:00 CEST (1593986400) -> 
>>>>> 2020-07-07 00:00:00 CEST (1594072800)])
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi systemd[1]: Starting Rotate log files...
>>>>> Jul  7 00:00:00 Wetter-Raspi systemd[1]: Starting Daily man-db 
>>>>> regeneration...
>>>>> jo...@johnkline.com schrieb am Dienstag, 7. Juli 2020 um 07:09:28 
>>>>> UTC+2:
>>>>>> It looks like loopdata stopped again at midnight (I looked at your 
>>>>>> sight).
>>>>>> I think it likely that something in the packet at midnight is causing 
>>>>>> this.  Loopdata does print a stack trace on an unexpected exception 
>>>>>> before 
>>>>>> exiting.  Would you have a look in the log and send it?
>>>>>> If the stack trace doesn’t give me the info I need, I will send you 
>>>>>> an instrumented version of loopdata.py that will, among other things, 
>>>>>> log 
>>>>>> loop packets around midnight.
>>>>>> On Jul 6, 2020, at 10:26 AM, John Kline <jo...@johnkline.com> wrote:
>>>>>> BTW, I should probably make dewpoint position on the weatherboard 
>>>>>> configurable between dewpoint and appTemp.  That would save you from 
>>>>>> having 
>>>>>> to hack on the javaascript.
>>>>>> Also, I could make the legend configurable for translation.
>>>>>> I’ll try to do that today or tomorrow.
>>>>>> On Jul 6, 2020, at 10:19 AM, John Kline <jo...@johnkline.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Yep, you’ll need to make your changes to switch to appTemp.  That’s 
>>>>>> both a change in index.html.tmpl and in the realtime_updater.inc file.
>>>>>> A new day accumulator gets created at midnight, so I am very 
>>>>>> interested in that loopdata crash.  Do you have a stacktrace in the log? 
>>>>>>  Please send what you have.  If it’s not descriptive enough, I’ll update 
>>>>>> loopdata to provide more info on that crash.
>>>>>> On Jul 6, 2020, at 8:20 AM, geni08...@gmail.com <geni08...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I have replaced the index.html.tmpl with an old version! However, 
>>>>>> the appTemp is not yet running. Loopdate also crashed at midnight, 
>>>>>> so watch that today.
>>>>>> jo...@johnkline.com schrieb am Montag, 6. Juli 2020 um 15:50:11 
>>>>>> UTC+2:
>>>>>>> Now that I’m up for the morning, I went to look at your WeatherBoard 
>>>>>>> page to see what the JavaScript error was, but I see that it is up and 
>>>>>>> runnning!
>>>>>>> On Jul 6, 2020, at 3:44 AM, John Kline <jo...@johnkline.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Send realtime_updater.inc and weewx.conf.
>>>>>>> The JavaScript is broken. I’ll have a look.
>>>>>>> On Jul 5, 2020, at 10:35 PM, geni08...@gmail.com <
>>>>>>> geni08...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I have weewx-loopdata 1.1.13, only the default km_per_hour 
>>>>>>> definition -> the loop-data.txt is OK.
>>>>>>> Why is my WeatherBoard not working? Only time is running.
>>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> <index.html.tmpl.txt>
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>> <loop1.jpg>
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## Copyright (C)2020 by John A Kline (j...@johnkline.com)
## Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPLv3)
## See LICENSE for your rights.
#errorCatcher Echo
#encoding UTF-8
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.ico" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="weatherboard.css"/>
    #if $Extras.has_key('meta_title')
    #end if
    <meta name="description" content="Tablet formatted display of current 
temperature, apparent temperature, wind speed, 10m max wind gust, today's max 
wind gust, today's rainfall and current rain rate.">
      #centered {
        margin: auto;
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                  Updated continuously.
                #end if
            <td style="text-align:right;width:200px;">
              <span id="live-label"></span><br/>&nbsp;

          <div style="color:red;">
            <table id="centered">
                <td id="windSpeedAndBearing" 
 $current.windDir.ordinal_compass ($current.windDir)</td>
                  <div style="color:green;">
                        <table id="centered">
style="text-align:center;font-family:monospace;font-size:85px;border-top: 2px 
solid blue">

    #include "footer.inc"
## Copyright (C)2020 by John A Kline (j...@johnkline.com)
## Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPLv3)
## See LICENSE for your rights.

#errorCatcher Echo
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    expiration_time = 4;
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  function addLoadEvent(func) {
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  function getUrlParam(paramName) {
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      name = paramName.replace(/(\[|\])/g, '\\$1');
      regexS = '[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)';
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  var pageTimedOut = false;
  function expirePage() {
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        return false;
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    liveLabel.innerHTML = "CLICK";
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    var activityElement = document.getElementById("activity-string");
    activityElement.innerHTML = "";
    // set an onclick event on live-label to restart everything
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  // Get time that page expires.
  function getTimeOfNextPageExpiration() {
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  // global variables - times of next events
  var timeOfNextPageExpiration = getTimeOfNextPageExpiration();

  function updateCurrent() {
    if (pageTimedOut) {
        return false;
    var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if (this.readyState == 4) {
        if (this.status == 200) {
          var result = JSON.parse(this.responseText);

          // Check the date
          // "dateTime": 1578965850,
          var lastUpdate = new Date(result["dateTime"] * 1000);
          var age = Math.round(Math.abs(new Date() - lastUpdate) / 1000);
          var element = document.getElementById("live-label");
          element.style.fontWeight = "bolder";
          element.style.color = "#e51b23";
          if (age <= 6) {
            element.innerHTML = "&nbsp;LIVE&nbsp;";
          } else {
            element.innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + age + "s ago&nbsp;";

          // Display the time of the last update.
          var activityElement = document.getElementById("activity-string");
          activityElement.innerHTML = lastUpdate.toLocaleTimeString([], {hour: 
'2-digit', minute:'2-digit', second:'2-digit'});

          // temp
          var temp = result["FMT_outTemp"];
          if (temp.length == 5) {
            temp = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + temp;
          } else if (temp.length == 6) {
            temp = "&nbsp;" + temp;
          document.getElementById("FMT_outTemp").innerHTML = temp;
          // in_temp
          var in_temp = result["FMT_inTemp"];
          if (in_temp.length == 5) {
            in_temp = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + in_temp;
          } else if (in_temp.length == 6) {
            in_temp = "&nbsp;" + in_temp;
          document.getElementById("FMT_inTemp").innerHTML = in_temp;

          // inHumidity
          document.getElementById("FMT_inHumidity").innerHTML = 

          // outHumidity
          document.getElementById("FMT_outHumidity").innerHTML = 

          // barometer
                  var barotrend = result["barometerRate"];
          document.getElementById("FMT_barometer").innerHTML = 
result["FMT_barometer"] + " " + barotrend;
          // dew point
          var dew = result["FMT_appTemp"];
          if (dew.length == 5) {
            dew = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + dew;
          } else if (dew.length == 6) {
            dew = "&nbsp;" + dew;
          document.getElementById("FMT_appTemp").innerHTML = dew;

          // wind speed and bearing
          var windSpeed = result["FMT_windSpeed"];
          if (windSpeed.length == 7) {
            windSpeed = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + windSpeed;
          } else if (windSpeed.length == 8) {
            windSpeed = "&nbsp;" + windSpeed;
          var windBearing = result["COMPASS_windDir"];
          if (result["windSpeed"] == 0.0) {
            windBearing = "";
          if (windBearing.length == 0) {
            windBearing = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
          } else if (windBearing.length == 1) {
            windBearing = windBearing + "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
          } else if (windBearing.length == 2) {
            windBearing = windBearing + "&nbsp;";
          document.getElementById("windSpeedAndBearing").innerHTML = windSpeed 
+ " " + windBearing;

          // wind gust (10m gust)
          var windGust10m = result["FMT_10mMaxGust"];
          // This yeilds 9.9 mph.   We need to lose the " mph".
          windGust10m = windGust10m.split(" ")[0]
          if (windGust10m.length == 1) {
            windGust10m = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + windGust10m;
          } else if (windGust10m.length == 2) {
            windGust10m = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + windGust10m;
          } else if (windGust10m.length == 3) {
            windGust10m = "&nbsp;" + windGust10m;
          document.getElementById("FMT_10mMaxGust").innerHTML = windGust10m;

          // wind gust (today)
          var windGustTM = result["FMT_HI_windGust"];
          if (windGustTM.length == 5) {
            windGustTM = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + windGustTM;
          } else if (windGustTM.length == 6) {
            windGustTM = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + windGustTM;
          } else if (windGustTM.length == 7) {
            windGustTM = "&nbsp;" + windGustTM;
          document.getElementById("FMT_HI_windGust").innerHTML = windGustTM;

          // rain rate
          document.getElementById("FMT_rainRate").innerHTML = 

          // rain fall
          document.getElementById("FMT_SUM_rain").innerHTML = 

          // aqi
          #if $Extras.has_key('show_purple') and ($Extras.show_purple == 'true' 
or $Extras.show_purple == 'True')
            document.getElementById("aqi").innerHTML = result["pm2_5_aqi"];
            document.getElementById("aqi").style.color = 
          #end if
    try {
      xhttp.open("GET", "$Extras.loop_data_file", true);
    } catch (e) {
    } finally {
      // set a timer to call updateCurrent (the 2 second timer) 2s from now.
      setTimeout(updateCurrent, getTimeToNextUpdateCurrent());
      // Check to see if it's time to call expirePage.
      if (Date.now() >= timeOfNextPageExpiration) {
  function decode_rgb(i) {
    var red   = i >> 16;
    var green = (i & 0xFF00) >> 8;
    var blue  = i & 0xFF;
    return `rgb(${red},${green},${blue})`

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