I am doing something similar

What I did was run that under www-data user.  First I had to change the 
shell in /etc/passwd to look like this.


once that is done you can sudo su - www-data and add the cron entry.

Another way would be to add the pi user to the www-data group and mess with 
the directory permissions.

On Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 9:06:21 AM UTC-5 Rich Strle wrote:

> My copy of weewx is running on a Raspberry Pi. I am trying to get an image 
> from a webcam on my local network using wget, resizing the image using 
> imagemagick, then put it in the /var/www/html/weewx/ folder so it will get 
> uploaded to my web host.
> wget --user=user --password=user  
> -O/var/www/html/weewx/image.jpg
> I get a Permission denied error.
> From there my plan was to use imagick to reduced the size of the file and 
> include the image in the upload.
> I as able to put this in a bash script and run a cron job to do this 
> process to my /home/pi/Pictures/image.jpg folder but I can''t figure out 
> how to copy the file to the html/weewx directory.
> If there is a better way to do what I'm trying to accomplish I'm willing 
> to try that.
> Thanks in advance.

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