Thank you for all the suggestions. I need to take my linux-fu a lot.

Before I can move forward, I have a problem on my weather station Pi. On my 
'dev' Pi this wget command works as expected wget --user=user 
-O/home/pi/Pictures/image.jpg works as expected

When I run the same wget command on my weather station Pi I get an error 
message :schema Missing from wget. it makes the file but there isn't any 
data in the file. if I put the URL into a browser window I get the image I 

if it matters, I am running WeeWX directly. I believe both Pi's have the 
same version of the operating system and I didn't change any permissions.

I'm out of ideas...

On Monday, November 23, 2020 at 10:03:46 AM UTC-6 wrote:

> hello,
> here, what I did to capture a video image and put it on the RPi server 
> with the belchertown skin. I used an intermediate server, here a NAS. 
> (freeNas).
> 1- Samsung Camera ----> FTP ----> Freenas.
> 2 - SCP transfer from RPi (weewx) ---> FreeNas -> / home / pi / 
> transfer-images / "capture name"
> 3 - script to rename "capture name" ---> new name.jpg
> 4- cp "new name.jpg" ---> / var / www / html / weewx / belchertown / 
> images /
> 5- to automate everything, this I created a batch that I put in crontab.
> Patrick
> Le 23/11/2020 à 15:35, Greg Sinclair a écrit :
> I do this by doing all the processing on the Pi capturing the image and 
> then doing a sftp to place the image where weewx can find it. 
> Greg
> On Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 1:47:33 PM UTC-6 Rich Strle wrote:
>> Thanks very much Vince. 
>> I appreciate your advice on the Linux Fundamentals course. 
>> Rich Strle 
>> 309-824-9213 <(309)%20824-9213> 
>> On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 12:34 PM vince <> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > On Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 8:44:01 AM UTC-8 Rich Strle wrote: 
>> >> 
>> >> Looking at my passwrd file I see: 
>> www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/usr/sbin/nologin 
>> >> Would I remove the /nologin? 
>> >> 
>> > 
>> > Please don't do that. 
>> > 
>> > www-data is the owner of the web 'data' and your webserver process 
>> likely runs as that user. 
>> > The nologin there ensures that if anybody/anything breaks security on 
>> your webserver running process, then they still wouldn't be able to get a 
>> shell and install/run malware etc. 
>> > 
>> > What you want to do is: 
>> > 
>> > put all your processing in a script 
>> > run that script as the non-privileged user 'pi' and write to scratch 
>> directories that pi can write to (/tmp or /var/tmp are likely places) 
>> > in your script, do the 'privileged' copy of the output file to the 
>> /var/www/html directory by prefacing your 'cp' command ala 'sudo cp' 
>> > and you'll likely want to set the permissions on the file in 
>> /var/www/html also with 'sudo chmod' 
>> > 
>> > (standard suggestion - if you're asking this you need to up your 
>> linux-fu a little - I always suggest looking at the free Linux 
>> Fundamentals course that literally a million folks have taken) 
>> > 
>> > A simple script that grabs Google's logo image as an example would look 
>> something like: 
>> > 
>> > #!/bin/bash 
>> > SCRATCH_FILE="/tmp/image.jpg" 
>> > FINAL_OUTPUT="/var/www/html/image.jpg" 
>> > 
>> > # wget the file in quiet mode to a temporary location 
>> > wget -q "${URL}" "${SCRATCH_FILE}" 
>> > 
>> > # copy it into place and fix up permissions via sudo 
>> > sudo cp "${SCRATCH_FILE}" "${FINAL_OUTPUT}" 
>> > sudo chown www-data "${FINAL_OUTPUT}" 
>> > sudo chmod 644 "${FINAL_OUTPUT}" 
>> > 
>> > This script did the right thing for me, FWIW. You'll of course have to 
>> put in the right wget switches to grab your image from the camera, as well 
>> as doing any processing with ImageMagick etc. before you copy your image 
>> into the web tree, but this should give you a skeleton to start with that 
>> does the permission stuff... 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > -- 
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